Chapter Seven ~Tease You and Then Forget About You~

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Chapter Seven ~Tease You and Then Forget About You~

 Okay guys... I know. I know. I know. I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible, short cheeky monkey!

I know I've been AWAY!!

And it's not just this story I disappeared from.

But from:

'A Witches Story!'

and 'Emerald Tiger!'

As well.

And I'm like super-duper SORRY!!

But a lot.. And I mean A LOT!! Has been going on in my life that had completely stopped my stories!!

But don't worry!! Because I keep getting bugged in my dreams by ALLLLLL my awesome main characters about the fact I haven't been writing about them.. -sigh-

Anyway! I'm going through ALL my stories and putting up a chapter in ALL of them!

I hope you guys can for give me!! -pouts- 

Please? Pretty please? Pretty, pretty please? :(

Hehe :) I love you all! I hope you like this chapter! I know it's not a really good one! But I'm trying to get my grove back! So please forgive me!

Anywho! Here's the chapter! Love you!


~Little Honey out! 



I stood still, looking into her eyes.

I just couldn’t believe it.

My mate has been right in front of me all this time and I didn’t know! GOD I’m so stupid!

‘Tom?’ I ask my wolf.

‘Yes Dom?’ he replied back with a smirk.

‘Why hadn’t we noticed she was our mate before hand?’

Weeeelllll....’ he drawled out ‘I had a feeling she might have been but I didn’t know for sure... and since neither of you dummies look in each other’s eyes i couldn’t confirm what I guessed.’ He shrugged.

‘Oh right...’ I chuckled.

My girl is my mate! I felt so excited that I wrapped my arms around her, lifted her up and spun her around and around!

She giggled as I spun her around and around. When I stopped spinning she closed her gorgeous eyes, lent her face forward a little and gently laid her soft lips upon mine. I closed my eyes at the feel of her soft lips moving against mine.

With the new knowledge of Lexi being my mate made the kiss more erotic. I couldn’t help myself; I grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss. I wanted MORE! But I knew I couldn’t have more till later.

I pulled back from the kiss and rested my forehead against hers. I opened my eyes just as her fluttered open as well.

I smiled at her and quickly pecked her delicious lips.

“Mine.” I whispered.

“Yours.” She whispered back. My grin grew as the words left her lips.

She started blushing. “Um... Do you wanna maybe... skip the rest of the day?” she cheekily smiled at me. I couldn’t help but smirk.

“Sure babe! You wanna come over to my place?” i asked as I put her back on the ground; my hands still on her waist.

Her smile grew. “Yep!”

Lexi POV

As we walked out the school’s front doors I texted Kane and the rest of the gang where I was.

I had just put my phone into my bra when Dom grabbed my hand. I look down at our connected hands and smiled. I felt as if life was finally looking up!

Dom clicked the button in his keys that unlocked his car. As he was opening the passenger door for me, we heard giggling.

We both looked over to where the sound was coming from and we saw the bitch Lorin and Eric hopping out of the backseat of his car. From here you could see that Eric’s shirt was buttoned up wrong and that he was zipping up his jeans. Lorin on the other way; looked like she went through a tornado. Her hair was all over the place, sticking up in every direction. Her shirt was on inside out and she was tugging her too short skirt down as far as it goes... which isn’t very far.

I quickly turned away when ‘HE’ looked over in our direction. I quickly slid into my seat as I said “Come on hun, let’s get outta here.”

Dom looked down at me and nodded. “Yeah let’s go. I can’t the stand the smell of slut and man-wh**e in the air any longer.” He said it loud enough that they could hear him as he walked around to the driver’s side of his car. I giggled as I heard Lorin gasp.

I had made up my mind that since I had Dom and he IS my other mate. So I would move on and completely forget about ‘HIM’.

As Dom closed his door I leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Kiss me Dominic!” I sat back in my seat and smirked at him.

It took only a second before Dom quick as lightning leaned over, grabbed the back of my head and smashed his lips to mine. His kiss was full of lust, love and dominance; that I just moaned out loudly as his tongue thrust its self between my lips and into my mouth.

I opened my eyes and I looked out the front window and saw that Eric was looking at me. I looked him in the eye as I winked at him.

His face went red in anger. I pushed down on the lock on the side of the door, grabbed Dom’s head, closed my eyes, smiled and kissed him back with just as much lust and love and he was showing me.

After a little bit we finally pulled away from each other, Dom sat back in his seat as we looked at each other and panted from the lack of air. Dom turned away started the car and started pulling out of the car spot.

I look out the window just in time to see Eric stomping away and punch a tree.

As Dom pulled onto the main road that went from school to part of Dom’s territory he leaned over and nuzzled my neck; he licks up my neck and I can’t hold in the moan as my eyes close.

“Mmm... baby...” Dom growls against my neck and I shiver in pleasure. He kisses my neck and sits back up and goes back to driving.

I lean over and lay my head against his shoulder as i close my eyes again. “Mine.” I whisper.

“Yours...” He whispers back as I sink into the lovely sounds of our heartbeats and the smell of my mate.

So my readers... A few other writers have done this in their books/stories so I'm gonna give it a try! :D

I would LOVE for this chapter to get...

10 Votes.

5 Comments. (or more at least! Please!)

Then I will post up the next chapter? How does that goal sound? Hehe :)

Okay I'm off to write the next chapter for 'Emerald Tiger!' before bed! 

Night guys!

~Little Honey out!


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