The Story Of The Untold

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July 23rd, 1984

The night sky was clear. Stars peaked from the thin wisps of clouds that gently flew by. The moon was extra bright tonight, as if it was on a mission, like the woman who is currently climbing up the side of a mossy cottage wall. It was a hot night, warm enough that it keeps one on the verge of sleeping long enough, until the inevitable drowsiness took over and pulled one under reluctantly. Many houses, including this one, has parted their windows to accept the rare breeze that passes through in a poor attempt to achieve coolness. The woman parted the frail curtains aside, which moved with the movement of water as soon as her hands brushed against it. Slowly heaving herself in through the open window, she allowed a quirk of a smile to grace her features.

'Thank you for making my job easier.' She muttered wryly. Stepping further into the room, she spied a small cot sitting in the middle of the room. Distant sounds of the a male's snores hid any hints of her footfalls against the wooden floor. Although the room was dark, streams of light from the moon was enough to reveal the face of a beautiful young girl, submerged in a deep asleep. 'How clever of them to hide the princess here, in the middle of the nowhere.' where if without underground intel, would not be discovered unless done so willingly. But of course, the woman has connections. Lots of them too.

The woman couldn't help but reach down and touch the princess's hair with a touch so soft, one could easily mistake it as the graze of a feather. It surronded her head like a circle of golden halo. So beautiful, so innocent, so easily corrupt.

Deciding to not waste anymore time, she picked up the cooing baby, sliding out of the room. Her movements slick and fast, but all the while steady, so to not wake the princess. Escaping the premises of the cottage, one may mistake her for a flash of shadow, or a trick of their minds.

When the woman was sure of not being followed, with a sway of her cloak, she disappeared from the forest, without a trace of evidence left that she was ever around, apart from the ever missing princess who may hopefully never be found.

Appearing back into a small, brick layered room, tangled deep within the forest, it was now that the princess finally woke.

A loud wail left her mouth, and the woman made quick movements to lay her down in the pre-made cot, brushing a wet strand of hair from her puffy, tear stained cheeks.

'Shh, don't cry my sweets, it's just me. It's Mother Gothel.'

October 16th, 1982

A bolt of lightning lit up the sky, its jagged branches looking eerily beautiful yet all the more terrifying. The sound of a baby's wail vibrated along the castle walls, waking anyone within the radius. A tired mother laid on the bed, feeling her annoyance rise. The damned baby just will not shut up.

'Maid! Where's the maid?' She picked up a bell and shook it violently. A second later, a young, dark haired women ran in, her hands clasped behind her back and her head lowered to the wall. She too, had been woken by the baby's screams.

'Make her shut up, give her milk, read her a story, I don't care, just silence her.' The queen said, her dainty features twisting into a hideous scowl. The young women nodded hastily, rushing out of the room.

Heading down the lavish corridor, she felt as if she can walk this path with her eyes closed. After the numerous sleepless nights spent with the princess, the young women felt her body verging on collapsing. But she knew she had not a choice. The royal family took her in when her family was cruelly murdered, providing her a home and two meals a day. This was the least she could do in repayment.

She opened the door to the nursery just as another lightning bolt strikes, intensifying the baby's cries. Picking her up from her cot, the woman gently rocked the girl, crooning a soft tune that the woman's own mother had sang to her when she was younger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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