Chapter 2 Old Friends

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I wrote a new story it's called 'Fresh Start' and I would really love it if you guys could check it out, vote and comment. It's on my profile :) Thanks

This chapter has quite a heavy masturbation scene so if you can't stand that stuff don't read. As I said this story is rated R so it's not for you youngers out there. Also I'm going to start restricting chapters soon so you won't be able to read unless you're following me. So if you wanna carry on reading, hit that follow button! It's not gonna kill ya.

The guy Bradley in this chapter is played by Jared Leto, just imagine him a lot younger around 21 and imagine the 2005 Jared with all the leather and eyeliner. If you don't know who he is look him up, he sings in a band called 30 Seconds To Mars :)


Lying back on the bed I allow myself to think about what just happened. I had a wet dream about someone, "oh God! I'm losing it." It felt so real; I could feel every aspect of him from his smooth pink lips on my neck to his stubble scratching between my thighs. Just the thought of it all made me tingle all over! I just couldn't get this guy out of my mind; I mean what was so special about him that I cannot stop thinking about him and now dreaming about the damn guy! Reaching under the covers I felt that my undies were slightly wet from the dream, slipping my hand inside I run a finger through my folds; feeling my slick juices coat them. I shiver at the thought of Stephen's tongue on me. Spreading my legs wide apart and softly rubbing my clit I moan into the empty room "Stephen, fuck!" Slipping off my underwear I reach down and enter my fingers into myself, feeling my swollen pussy hungrily lap up what my fingers have to offer. I could feel my inner walls quiver with excitement; my busy fingers continue to probe at my insides also rubbing roughly at my clit in the process. I felt myself tearing at the edge so I willed myself to stop before I came. Reaching over to the drawer next to me I pull out my vibrator, turning to on I placed it on my clit and relished in the vibrations that traveled through my body making my pussy even more wet and slick. I felt a drop of my juices trickle out of me and run down towards my ass. Slipping it inside I pushed it in and out hard and fast enjoying the wet sounds it made, I turned the knob on its highest setting and began to fuck myself with the vibrator. Letting out a raspy cry of pleasure "fuck! Yes argh!" The image of Stephen pounding himself into my wet pussy set me off I felt my walls clamp down on the vibrator holding it in place as I came hard and let my juices seep out of my body. My pussy continued to spasm as I slowly pulled out the vibrator and turned it off, resting it on the drawer next to me. Changing the bed sheets and my clothes I get back into bed and turn my head to look at the clock beside me 1:15am, great I have school tomorrow and I didn't finish my assignment because I can't tear myself away from Stephen. "Brilliant, bring on tomorrow!"

My alarm goes off at 6:30am, groaning I reach out and slap the damn thing until it shuts up. Getting out of my warm bed I begin to get ready for an exhausting day. School isn't something I look forward to; it's filled with jackass teachers that don't give a shit as long as they get paid. The only thing that makes it worthwhile are the people there, because of the student's school is bearable. It's filled with great people with great personalities. As I spent most of the day in the stupid math class with Miss Clair the bitch of a math teacher who happens to be the vice principal and the most strict bitch on the planet. I can't wait till the end of the day rolls around, when I can just forget about math and every other subject and focus on having a social life. Stepping out of the school gates with Hanna one of my closest friends I notice Stephen leaning against his car waiting for me. As soon as he saw me he waved and I waved back with a questioning look as to say, "what the fuck are you doing here?" "Hey! Jess I thought I'd pick you up" "Jessica who's your friend?" Hanna asks as she gives me the biggest shit-eating grin I have ever seen, I can only imagine the lecture I'm going to get for not telling her about him. "Hanna. This is Stephen he's my friend!" They both shake hands and look towards me "Stephen thank you for picking me up but I was gonna go to the movies with Hanna, she's been asking me for the past week." "Oh it's okay he can come!" She is not serious right? Oh come on! "Erm I'm sure he has better stuff to do" "actually I'm free, and I would love to go." This is the last thing I wanted to be somewhere dark with this guy! After the dream last night I don't even know if I can control myself around him, this guy does things to me and sometimes I think he knows exactly what he's doing. The movie was awkward I sat in the middle with Stephen on my left side he kept starring at me when he thought I wasn't looking and Hanna kept drooling over him, I think I'm the only one actually who knows what happened at the end of that movie. It was really dark when we were heading back; we stopped at a few places after the movie so it was getting pretty late. After saying our goodbyes all three of us went in different directions back to our houses. Arriving home I collapsed on the couch with a loud thud, "where have you been?" Asks Jenny "movies, Starbucks and some other places!" I reply back smugly "well I don't want you out so late, be back earlier next time!" "Fine" I mumble. I continue to sit on the couch for a few more minutes letting my mind wander; suddenly I feel a small vibration in my pocket, which breaks my train of thought. Taking out my phone I see a text from Bradley, he's in town and wants to meet up for some coffee. This is great, this is exactly what I need to get my mind off of Stephen. Brad and I have always enjoyed each others company each time he was in town and I'm sure he'll be just the thing to help me forget about Stephen, even if it's just for a few hours. I know he's a little old for me but my mum always hated him because of the age gap and she didn't like the Goth look he sometimes supported. But I don't care the fact that my mum can't stand him made me like him even more, I never did like listening to my mum. I mean who was she to talk? She's never been there for me. Plus he's an old friend. I quickly reply back saying when we should meet up and where.

Sitting in one of the booths in the coffee shop I patiently wait for Bradley, he's normally late with this kinda stuff. "No hurry I guess!" I whisper. "I'm sorry what was that?" I turn my head to the side and see a tall dark figure standing beside me wearing a leather jacket and skinny black jeans. Holding a mug of coffee in his hand. "Come on you didn't think that I'd stand you up did you?" Sliding into the seat opposite from me he pushes the mug towards me. "Got your favourite" smiling I pull the mug towards me "thank you but why are you here?" I ask while taking a sip from my coffee. His answer was short and sweet "business. My work is being displayed at a gallery around here and I need to be there, I wanted to see you to ask if you would like to be my plus one." Raising an eyebrow I look at him, "since when do we go out together to public occasions? Isn't it always just casual sex? "Hard and fast" as you put it?!" "I know but how about we change that?" "'re the one that said no strings attached! I've followed that rule." "Jess you can't tell me that we don't make a good team! We work great together, yeah I said just sex nothing else. But how about we just see how this goes? We're both single and if you don't mind the long distance thing neither do I." Silently sitting in my seat I run things through my head, I guess it would be okay. I do like him, and even if it doesn't work out what's the harm? "Let's just see how the gallery thing goes." He gives me a bright smile "that's good enough for me, I gotta go. I'll call you tonight." Getting up he kisses the top of my head and leaves. I was sitting on the couch finishing a project I had been working on when the call from Bradley came through. Moving somewhere more private I accepted the call. He said that his photos were going to be displayed and hopefully sold at the "Oh Wow" gallery down at Waverly Pl. It takes place on Tuesday; he was really specific about what I should wear. "Something black and sexy, I want you looking classy yet extremely sexy!" Those were his exact words, rolling my eyes I agreed. Tuesday rolled round quickly and before I knew it I was standing beside Brad while he showed off his work to big magazines and some serious collectors. When we were posing for shots he leaned over to kiss my cheek, making the photographers go wild. Somehow by the end of the night I had fallen into Bradley's infamous trap and before I knew it we were both tangled between the sheets of his hotel bed and Stephen was long forgotten. Maybe taking a chance with him was the right thing to do. I woke up the next morning to find Bradley sleeping peacefully beside me, his face was completely relaxed and eased of all signs of stress. His eyeliner was smudged across his eyes and yet he still looked like the dark angel he truly was. I ran my fingers lightly across his face, his eyes fluttered open to reveal the most beautiful blue orbs. "Morning!" "Hey" "So...did you think about what I said?" I could see the hopefulness in his eyes, and he was right we do make a good team. We have a lot in common from music taste to our wardrobes. "Yeah I guess we could see where this goes." "Great!" He says as he pulls me up and places me on top of him. "RIDE BABY! RIDE!" "Ha, you are such a jackass!" Laughing I lean forward to kiss him on his soft pink lips.

---- That's the dress that Jessica wore to the gallery.

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