Chapter 8 I Love You

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Hey, I'm back!
I hope you guys like this chapter. Although some of you guys might not cause it's Jess and Brad chapter. It focuses more on their problems above all else, by the end you'll understand why she forgave him so easily. And why he did the same.

I wrote a new story it's called 'Fresh Start' and I would really love it if you guys could check it out, vote and comment. It's on my profile :) Thanks 

I uploaded this chapter before but I thought it needed more so I wrote some more and uploaded it again. 


The music was playing in my room as I was typing up an essay on my laptop. And as always I got distracted and ended up on other sites. Before I knew it I was flicking through random pictures on the Internet. I stared at the Google page and thought about what to search, I could go back to my essay but for some strange reason I wanted to search up Brad. I had promised him I'd never do it because the media always spreads lies. But this time I felt the need to for some reason, my nails tapped against the plastic surface of the laptop as I typed in his name and hit enter. The amount of results I got was ridiculous, so much crap about him. From the news about his recent stuff to things that I don't even remember him doing. Then I came across a headline that made the music in the background fade and my vision blur. The headline said "Carter gets down and dirty!" I hovered over it pondering whether to click it or not. The article was old, more than a month so I decided I'd just skim through it. As soon as the article loaded my mouth fell open. It showed Bradley in a club in LA with a blonde girl in his arms. As I moved from one photo to the next it just got worse. The next one was of him kissing her and his hands digging into her ass, the last one got to me. It was him pushing her against the wall of the club with his head buried in her neck and his hand inside her dress. I read some bits of the article it said that he was there for a friend’s party and that throughout the night they were seen holding hands, kissing and finally leaving together. My heart clenched and the tears stung the corners of my eyes. The last time he was in New York was three weeks ago so who knows what he's been doing since. Here I was feeling guilty over what I had done with Stephen and he just couldn't care less, I actually thought he had changed. I mean for once he wanted a stable relationship and not just a quick fuck. He stayed nights instead of leaving straight after and he even helped me through hard times. But it was all lies. Fucking lies. He didn't give a shit!


I had managed to avoid Bradley for a month. I hadn't picked up when he called and hadn't replied back when he texted or emailed me. I knew he was busy with his workload so I knew he couldn't just hop on a plane to come and see me. I planned to tell him what I knew just not yet. I loved to see him suffer, he knows how much he means to me and he went and did this behind my back? And I hate to admit it but he's the best I've had. I would never let anyone else do what Brad does to me. The house was completely empty. Stephen was at the bar, Jenny had gone home hours ago and my mum and Stephen's dad were off at a hotel together. So when I heard a knock at the door I got slightly worried. It was coming up to 2am so who could it be? I opened the door to find an unwelcoming face. His brows were creased and his eyes were bloodshot, was he crying? "What the fuck?! I thought you died! Why haven't you answered any of my calls or texts?" I just shrugged and said, "I was busy! Heavy workload and all." "Well I missed you, and I was worried." He walked past me and into the apartment, "is anyone home?" "No." I simply stated. "Good! Then we can be as loud as we want" he winked at me with that dirty grin. As he leaned forward and kissed me I stayed completely still; not moving against his lips and not pulling away. He looked at me confused "babe! What's wrong? You're different." He kissed me again this time trying to get his tongue past my lips and again I just stood there. "Jess your kiss is different! What's wrong?" I all but whispered, "I'm sorry I don't match up to your blonde bitch." I began to walk towards the kitchen but he grabbed my hips and turned me around. "What are you talking about?" "I saw the photos Bradley; get out I don't want you here. We're done!" I said more calmly then I should have. He slammed me against the kitchen counter and pinned me there; I wriggled around trying to get away. He gritted his teeth and whispered, "no we're not!" "I hope you had fun with her, cause I definitely did." I whispered to him. "What? You cheated on me?! With who?" When I didn't respond he began to kiss me harder, forcing his tongue into my mouth and began buttoning my shirt. I pushed his hands away but they just came back, as he began to kiss my neck I sobbed at the memories of the photos and the feeling of being betrayed by someone I loved. Before I knew it I was sitting on the cold granite counter in my bra and panties. He yanked off my underwear and entered me, I wasn't ready and so it stung causing my eyes to water. Brad cupped my face and wiped away the tears, softly kissing down the small trail of tears as he continued to slam our pelvises together. Slowly the pain began to fade away as I got wetter and it was being replaced by pleasure; I could feel myself leaking. Our cum was beginning to run down the inside of my thighs. I tried to hold back my moans as I looked him straight in the eyes "I hate you" I said. "No you don't." My arms wrapped around his back as I held him close to me; he went faster and harder. I was moaning against his ear when he said "he was small compared to me wasn't he? I can fucking tell! You're pussy's tighter than before." Soon enough I was cumming all over him. No one else could get me off this fast, only he knew how to do that. Brad slowed down but didn't stop. He dragged me with him as he laid down on the cold kitchen tiles, with me perched on top of him. I slid my hands up his smooth, toned chest and I took advantage of the fact that he was tired and jet lagged; I wrapped my hands around his neck and squeezed. His eyes opened in shock and his face turned a tinge of red. I remember when he did this to me, the first time we had sex. It's time he got what was coming to him. As I clamped my hands down harder he struggled to breath but he didn't stop me; eventually I let go too scared that he would actually let me go too far. He flipped us over and continued with two more hard thrusts and then he came hard, I could feel him pulsating inside me. As he caught his breath he kissed down my breasts and stomach. "I'm so sorry Jess. I promise nothing happened! I love you." 

And I forgave him, because I loved him.


I woke up with Brads arms wrapped loosely around my waist and his morning wood digging into my lower back, I giggled when I felt his scruff tickling my neck as he softly kissed it. I turned around in his arms and when I noticed the slight bruising on his neck I frowned. He caught me staring and said "I promise nothing happened; I stopped before I went too far because I remembered you." I slowly ran my fingers up and down his throat and then pulled him towards me hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "It's okay" he mumbled against my hair. It was then I noticed that my bedroom door was wide open, he must have seen us. But in that moment I didn't care; I wasn't in a relationship with Stephen. Who cares if he saw me with Brad? "Here hang on I got you something." He got up and closed the door, bending down towards his bag he pulled out a small box. He sat back down on the bed and opened the box, "I got it in time for your birthday, but I kept on forgetting to bring it when I came." He pulled out the small necklace and placed it on my neck, clasping it at the back. It was simple but I loved it nonetheless, it was a small skull hanging on a silver chain. I ran my fingers along the chain as I smiled up at him. He held the back of my neck and pulled me forward; placing my forehead on his lips. "I love you." He breathed, "I love you too," I whispered back. 


Bradley had to leave, he had only come back for a few hours and I was all alone again. "You know you should close the door when you have company." I turned around to see Stephen leaning against the doorframe of the living room. "Well we kinda forgot, just don't look if it bothers you so much!" He walked over and sat next to me, I moved over slightly so I wasn't too close to him. "What do you see in him?" He asked. I sighed "I see the good in him, something that others don't." "He's not a good person Jess, he's done things." "All you've heard about him is what all the newspapers tell you, he's always looked after me when I needed him and I've done the same." "But-" "let me finish! He went through a rough patch, he was doing drugs constantly and he was drinking heavily. I helped him through it; and when I went through my share of shit he took care of me." I looked over to Stephen seeing his mind elsewhere like he was in heavy thought. "He was 19 when I met him and a complete wreck, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him and neither would he. I would never throw away what I have with him to be with you." 


Should she really end up with Bradley? Or Stephen. I need suggestions!

Vote and comment x 

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