Chapter 12 One More Night?

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Apologises for those of you who have been waiting ages for the last chapter of this. But I really didn't know how to end it and have up on it for a while, but when I finally got back to it I knew what to do to finish it.


Bradley's POV

It's been nearly four months. Four months since I saw her, or even spoke to her and yet it feels like yesterday. I can still hear her trembling voice as she shouted at me and told me that she didn't care about me anymore. I couldn't deal with it anymore I needed her. I missed her so much it hurt to take an intake of breath. I missed the way her nose scrunched up when she didn't like something; I missed the feeling of her lying on my chest as I ran my hand through her hair. I missed everything about her, especially the little gasps she makes when she's trying to hold back her moans. All I did now was stay in my apartment and wait for her to call or come by I just needed her. All I did anymore was drink and take any drugs that I could get my hands on. I was a wreck, the only person that kept me in check left.

I decided that I couldn't take it anymore; I needed to talk to her. Just explain myself even if she won't listen to me. I grabbed my blackberry with shaky hands and dialed her number I went straight to voicemail. "Hey Jess! I miss you so much I love you. I know you don't want to talk to me but I thought I could at least try right? I left it this long because I thought that you would need some time to think. But I can't wait anymore. I need you; I'm a fucking mess. You're the only one that kept me in line and now you're not here. I'm so sorry about what happened, I just...please just call me, can we just talk?" I left a lengthy message on her phone and ended the call. I could only hope that she gets back to me.


I groaned and rolled over in bed just to have my face hit a hard and warm surface. I mumbled against it and wrapped my arms around the torso lying next to me. "Hey!" He smiled down at me "hi" I whispered back. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on my lips and rolled me on my back. "Stephen stop! I have to go to work." "Quicky?" He pouted "no! Get off me, maybe later though" I winked.

Four months. It's been four fucking months and now he bothers to call me? I thought I had the right to move on. He's the one that cheated with a fucking whore not me. I thought about calling him and telling him that there was no chance in hell I would ever take him back, I didn't trust him. All I saw when I looked at him now were lies. But I didn't, I left it another week until I called him back. He picked up on the first few rings. "Jess?" His voice sounded raw like he was crying. "What do you want?" "I just wanna talk" "what is there to talk about? You cheated, how much more simpler can it get?" "I know but I'm sorry I didn't mean it." "Brad cheating is a choice and you made yours!" "Please can we just try? One day without you is torture I can't do the rest of my life." By now tears were gathering in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from falling. "You hurt me so much, I trusted you. I even loved you; do you not remember what I've done for you?" "I know I'm so fucking sorry and of course I remember. Please don't cry baby, I love you so much just give me one more chance." "Bradley I moved on, I'm with someone else."

Bradley's POV

Those four words killed me "I'm with someone else." I always thought she would be with me, you know? My baby Jess. I thought she would always be there for me to hold and take care of. But I guess not. "One more night" I whispered mostly to myself "what?" I said it louder this time. "One more night Jess, just one more night." "No" she said coldly. "I'm not your little plaything Brad. And I don't cheat I'm not like you!" Ouch that hurt. "I miss you" I sniffed, she let out a loud sigh. "And you think I don't? Don't you realize that it kills me when I wake up every morning and your face isn't the first face I see. I miss hugging you and tracing the tattoo on your collar." "That's why I'm saying one more night, it's just a couple of hours. If I'm never gonna get you back I might as well say goodbye to you properly. I wanna do it right this time." There was a long pause on both ends of the line, we were both thinking and none of us wanted to break the silence first. "Okay" she whispered, almost too quietly. A sense I relief washed over me when I heard her say that. "I'll text you" she said and cut off the line before I could say anything.

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