I once had this teacher, he said that no matter the person, no matter the time, everyone walks into your life for a reason. We are all like planets, we all have our own orbit, and our own gravitational pull. When someone comes into your life they are intersecting your orbit, and you are intersecting theirs. People don't just come into your life without a reason. Gravity pulled them into your life on purpose, and never on accident. So then why are you in my life? Why did gravity have you intersect my orbit? What's the reason you're here? Don't tell me you'll be leaving soon. Tell me you'll stay. I like having you intersecting my orbit. Please don't tell me you're here to teach me something, and then you'll be up and gone, and out of my orbit. Gravity please keep him in my orbit. He's something new, and different, I like it. Please stay in my orbit.
-J.Z. // Excerpt from a book I'll never write. #8
Excerpts From A Book I'll Never Write
Romance[COMPLETED] Everyone sees these love quotes, and at the end of a lot of them you see: excerpts from a book that I will never write. I'm going to do that. Any love quote that I make up, that could go in a book, but I'm too lazy to write, will go in...