I check my phone every ten minutes hoping to see a text from you. I know you hurt me, and we may never talk again, but I got so used to talking to you. I didn't think we'd ever just stop. You make me really angry. I think about how I never knew if you liked me or not. If you enjoyed taking to me, or absolutely hated it. I never knew if you were happy to see me, or wished me gone. Sometimes I even wonder if those smiley faces that you'd send were to throw me off, or if you really meant them. I just don't know
-J.Z. // Excerpt from a book I'll never write. #29
Excerpts From A Book I'll Never Write
Romance[COMPLETED] Everyone sees these love quotes, and at the end of a lot of them you see: excerpts from a book that I will never write. I'm going to do that. Any love quote that I make up, that could go in a book, but I'm too lazy to write, will go in...