Ready, Set, Rockmadizzle

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  • Dedicated to Maddie Stiles

Riker fumbles off the bed in his hotel room, as Ryland lay on the bed beside his snoring quite loudly. Running his rough fingers through his straggly bed hair, he drags his weighted feet to the bathroom. 

"Hurry, before someone wakes up and sees you." mumbled whispers can be heard through the door.

"Oh come on, babe... It's not like anyone is up yet.." Was that.. Rocky? If that was Rocky.. Then, wait.. Maddie? Confused, Riker swings open the door, frightening a very sneaky Rocky and an understandably shocked Maddie standing there in their pyjamas in the middle of the corridor. 

"What were you saying about no one being awake yet?" She asks sarcastically, smacking Rocky's arm. 

"Wait.. You.. and You.. Did, what?" Riker asks, still dazed from his apparent lack of sleep. "Where's Robs?" He adds, rubbing his head. 

"She slept in Ross' room last night. We were supposed to switch back before anyone knew but I guess that plan was flawed." Maddie says, tugging at the seams on Rocky's T-shirt she was ever so conveniently still wearing. 

"That plan was always flawed, I saw Ross leave before I went to bed." Ratliff says, opening his door. 

"Jeez, are more people going to swing open their doors and add on to this reaccuring heart attack that I really don't need at seven am?" Maddie squeals, attempting to whisper. 

Ross' door opens, and Robin comes tip-toeing out with Ross' hand in hers. "Oh, you're all awake." She says, dropping the its-too-early-to-thumb-around-while-walking-so-lets-sneak-around act. She can see the look of sheer embarrassment on her friend's face, and smiles sympathetically. 

"Sorry Madz.. Ross is such a drama queen.." She says. Ross reaches up to the back of his head, scratching his hair. 

"Sorry bro." He says, his free hand draping around Robin's shoulder. 

"Okay.. We won't tell mom if you tell us what happened." Rydel says, quietly closing the door in which Stormie lays, sound asleep. 

"Where did you come from?" Ellington asks, taken aback. 

"Oh, so I can't be part of any conversations now, right? Go call Kelly or something." Rydel jokes, sticking her tongue out. 

"Meanie!" Ell says, walking over to where she was standing in her Hello Kitty PJs. Picking her up, he throws her over his shoulder. She yells, squealing for him to put her down through laughter; completely forgetting the dozens of sleeping people around them. 

"Guess we're late for the party..." Julianne says, walking out of the door. Melanie and Robyn followed close behind, fully clothed. 

"What's going on?" Mel asks noticing everyone else still in their PJs. 

"Nothing, we just... all woke up and came out to check on each other." Riker says, catching Maddie's death stare. 

"Why would you need to check on each other, it's not like someone randomly dropped dead." Robyn adds, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Speaking of dead people, Ryland is still asleep. We should probably wake him up..." Ross says, moitioning to Riker.   

"Okay but first, All the girls in Robin & Maddie's room! Guys, go in Ross & Rocky's. If mom asks, we all woke up early and had a post-night sleepover." Rydel says, grabbing Julianne and Melanie's wrists, tugging them into the room. 

"Hey!" Riker says, pulling Mel from Rydel's grip. Swinging her around, he smiles down at her. 

"What?" She asks, blushing. He doesn't say anything, just leans over, kissing her lightly. 


"Okay, so why was Rocky sneaking out of your room at 7 am?" Rydel asks, smirking. 

"What?!" Mel, Jules & Robyn all say at once. Maddie laughs.

"Calm down, it's not like we did anything. Ross and Rocky came knocking sometime around 10 and asked if we could swap for the night. I said we should switch back before anyone wakes up and assumes that something happened. Hence, what Riker immediately did." She says. 

"I can back that up." Robs says, making little effort to lift her hand, as it drops back down to her side. 

"So you two were sleeping with your boyfriends while we were left out of the fun? Smooth." Mel says, grinning. 

"I would have stayed behind with Jules anyway. It wouldn't be fair to her." Robyn says, half-heartedly smiling. 

"Okay, but still..." Mel says, turning from Robyn to Maddie. 

"You guys are my best friends but these are still my brothers we're talking about so keep it G rated please.. PG at the most." Rydel says, grabbing a water bottle from the mini cooler. 


"So, we have to do soundcheck and the meet and greet, and then we can go out for something to eat while the opening acts to their thing." Riker says, taking Mel's hand. 

"Cool. So, we'll stand in the crowd and pretend to fangirl." Robs says, smirking up at Ross. His six foot stance showered over her 5'3 figure. 

"Yeah.. 'Pretend'. As if you girls won't be doing your fair share of screamng." Ellington replies. 

"Well, It might be fun to pretend like we're not dating a Lynch for a few hours." Maddie says, wrapping her arms around Rocky. 

"Don't make it too convincing, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't my girl." Rocky replies, kissing Maddie's forehead. 

"Come on guys, the fans are getting restless." Ryland says, rushing over to the merchandise table. 

"Wait... If we're already in here when the first people in line walk in, what will they think?" Jules asks. 

"Good point... Go stand in the entrance with Dad and pretend like you just got in. It might work." Ross says, kissing Robs before she runs off with the other girls. 

"This should be interesting..." Robyn says, sighing. 

"Mark! Hey, the guys want us to 'blend' in with the fans so we can be a part of the VIP experience, but we're going to sneak backstage afterwards so we can go eat." Mel says, followed by Robs, Maddie, Jules and Robyn. 

"Okay.. So are you girls going to get pictures too?" He asks, getting the VIP stuff set up. 

"Uh, sure." Maddie says, checking her texts. Rocky was disracting her. Typical, the second she's out of his sight, he's blowing up her phone with 'i miss you' texts. 

"Maddie meant definitely." Robs adds, nudging Maddie's side. 

Nodding, she puts her phone away. 

"Well, the doors are opening in 3 minutes, so go on in." He says, motioning for them to go back inside. 

"But.. Okay." Mel says, taking Robyn's arm. 

"Why are you so quiet today? What's up? You have barely looked Ry in the eye all morning." Mel whispers. 

"Remember when Ry and I were on a break last year... Well, he hung out with Julianne a lot. I started to think he had feelings for her when she showed up. I wasn't wrong. When I asked him about it, he just sighed and kept saying he was sorry, but that nothing had happened. I wish I could believe him. I wasn't going to say anything, but I think it's about time i head home. I wasn't going to ruin tonight for the girls and the gang. Please don't say anything. I have a flight scedueled for 6 am so I'll be leaving after supper, before they preform and way before you guys set out on the road. Promise me you'll tell the girls after I'm gone." Robyn says, choking back tears. She wipes her face, takes a deep breath, then rejoins the group. 

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