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Markiplier: whatcha doing?

Phancy: reading fanfictions.

Markiplier: oh. About who?

Phancy: danisnotonfire and Amazingphil

Markiplier: of course.

Phancy: what's wrong with them?

Markiplier: they're everywhere!

Phancy: that's why they're amazing!
Phancy: (no pun intended)

Markiplier: girls only like them because there's a white guy that someone ships with his friend.

Phancy: not true! They're loved because they're cute, funny and a lot better than American men!

Markiplier: I'm American!

Phancy: exactly!

Markiplier: meanie

Phancy: jerk.

Markiplier: butt head

Phancy: manchild.

Markiplier: I'm obviously not going to win against you.

Phancy: dang right.

I'm Bored  //Markiplier FanFiction\\  (Prequel to I'm Fine)Where stories live. Discover now