Found You

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Elizarius POV

She nearly ran away when I tried to touch her. She didn't expect anyone to find her here or possibly at all. I found her and was just curious as to why she was out alone. A young girl should never be out alone.

"Are you alright Anicia?" I asked.

Shocked I know her name she backs up some, "I'm f-fine, mystery girl."

Chuckling I reach a hand out to help her up. She starts to reach for my hand but stops midway. I look into her eyes kindly.

"Anicia, please take my hand. I promise I won't hurt you." I explain.

She grabs my hand gently and I help her up as she notices my height of 6'3" which is a whole foot taller than her. Blushing slightly she backs up. I watch her closely as she reaches for her dagger.

"What's your name mystery girl?" She asks softly.

I shake my head and stand up to my full height, "I will only tell you IF you don't try to kill me."

Sighing she throws the dagger to the ground and says, "Ok. I won't, but only if you don't hurt me."

I nod and smile warmly, "My name is Elizarius Destani. And you are Anicia Grastuvu."
I grab her hand and start walking her home.

"Where are you taking me Elizarius?" She asks my, name sounding amazing coming from her lips.

"I'm taking you back to your village." I say, "Your family is probably worried sick."

"They're not..." she says in a factual tone, "They never care..."

I stop and look at her, "Then we're going to my home." I say changing course to go to my empty village.

After a while she got tired so I began carrying her on my back. As we continue she falls asleep slowly. Smiling I take her to my small cottage and lay her on my bed. Sighing I stretch and yawn then lay beside her falling asleep slowly.


A/n: ok idk whether to continue or not so comment please. Also follow me. :) Just no fucking with me. ;)

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