Summer Baycation: Myles

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See what I did there?😏
Edited 4/28/16-grammatical errors
Going on vacation. Great. Getting irritated by family you haven't seen in five years. Not so much.
"Cmon y/n!" your mom calls out from downstairs. "We're gonna miss our flight!"
"Coming," you grumble.
You really didn't want to go on this trip. You were going to the Bay Area for the next two and half months and staying with family there.
"Mom do I have to?" you whine.
"Yes y/n," your mom replies. "It's gonna be fun."
"Whatever," you say rolling your eyes.

You get the airport, go through security, wait for your flight, get on your flight, and journey to California. Once you get there, you're greeted by your aunt.
"Y/N!" she exclaims hugging you. "Y/M/N (your mom's name)!"
"Hi," you say awkwardly.
"You've gotten so tall!"
Here we go...

Your aunt drives you to her house and you walk right into craziness. There was at least one child for every other age group. All of them were running around inside the house.
At least the house is big...
"You guys get settled in and then you can go outside," y/a/n (your aunt's name) informs you.
"Okay," you respond.

You claim your room that you have all to yourself for the entire summer. You walk outside and everyone is on the lawn. Your uncle is barbecuing while your cousins are talking and playing on the lawn.
"Wassup Cuz!" one of your cousins says coming up to you. He was wearing a bandana, had fair skin, brown hair, and was a tad bit taller than you. "Welcome to the Bay."
"Hey," you say to him.
"You must be y/n!" he says enthusiastically. "I'm Taylor!"
"Hi, Taylor," you say.
"Do you know how to ride a penny?"
"No," you respond.
"Oh. It's like riding a skateboard."
"I've never ridden a skateboard either."
"Well we've got the whole summer," Taylor says putting his arm around you.
"Have you ever had boba?"
"What is that?"
"You've got a lot to learn my friend. Your first lesson: learning how to ride a penny."
"You're trying to kill me aren't you?"
"There's nothing deadly about riding a penny, y/n."
"Whatever you say, Cuz."
"Mom!" Taylor calls out to your aunt. "We're going to get some boba!"
"Okay!" Y/A/N calls back. "Be back soon! It's getting dark out!"

You guys begin down the block as Taylor helps you ride the penny board.
"Soo..." you begin. "Can you explain to me what a boba is?"
"It's like tea in a smoothie form," Taylor explains. "They put these little balls in there as well. They don't have any flavor but they call it a bubble tea for a reason."
"Why didn't you just say bubble tea then?"
"I'm used to saying 'boba.'"

You fall forward off the board and Taylor catches you.
"Balance is key," Taylor tells you.
"Okay," you respond.
You get back on the board and push off with your foot. Taylor lets you go. You cover your eyes.
I don't wanna die. I have to much to live for.
"Y/N look out!" Taylor calls out.
You didn't know he was that far behind you.

You uncover your eyes and screamed when you almost ran into two guys. One of them sweep you off the board before you hit them.
"MY BOARD!" Taylor exclaims running after it.
You come face to face with the guy you who caught you.
"Ohmygosh!" you exclaim. "I'm so so sorry."
"It's okay," the guy said.
He had gorgeous brown eyes and a little poof on the top of his head. He puts you down on the ground.
"Y/N are you okay?" Taylor said coming up to you.
"I'm fine," you respond.
Taylor pulls you in a tight hug, lifting you off the ground.
"Don't scare me like that!" he scolds.
"Is this your girlfriend Taylor?" a tall light skin questioned.
"No," Taylor replies. "Cousin. She came to visit for the summer."
"Cool," the light skin said.

Taylor puts you back on the ground.
"Y/N," Taylor begins. "This is Kalin..." He points the light skin. "...and Myles." He points to the cutie with the brown eyes.
"Hi," you say giving a friendly wave.
"Hey hey!" Myles says. "Welcome to the Bay, babe."
He winks at you.
"Okay let's save all flirting for later," Taylor says stepping in front of you.
"You do know Myles lives next door to you, Taylor?" Kalin says. "They can easily see each other."
"KALIN!" Taylor scolds.
"Gotta blast!" Kalin says running in the opposite direction.
You laugh at him.
"We gotta hurry up y/n!" Taylor says dragging you along. "My mom is going to kill me if we're not back soon."
"Okay," you say trailing behind.

You guys get your bubble tea and head back to Taylor's place. As it turns out, you love boba minus the little beads they put in it. You almost choked on one and Taylor laughed at you. You sip on the some more and spit them at him as payback.
"Ew!" he exclaims.
You make it back and everyone is eating outside. Then you see someone that catches your eye. It was Myles sitting on the lawn chatting with your other relatives.

You walk towards him and greet him.
"Hey," he responds smiling.
Taylor abandons you to go get some food. You sit down next to Myles.
"This is gonna be a great summer," he says to you.
"Definitely," you respond.
"I can't wait to show you everything."
"I can't wait to see everything."
"He's not showing you anything," Taylor says coming back with a plate of food.
"You're like the protective older brother I never had," you laugh at Taylor.
Taylor laughs along with you.
"Let's exchange numbers just in case one of us get in trouble or need help," Taylor suggests.
"You have mine already, Taylor," Myles points out.
"We don't have y/n's," Taylor says and they both look at you with hopefully grins.
"Ugh! Okay," you say giving in.

You give both of them your number.
"From now on," Myles begins. "We call each other for help. No matter what."
"Gotcha," Taylor and I say in unison.
I think I'm gonna love this summer.
I tried to ride a penny...I almost died😁😂 fabyetunde

This imagine was WAYY better than the last one for sure and Myles is not a complete psycho😂

Should I make this one into a story?


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