Chapter Two part One

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~Destery’s POV~

I absolutely can’t let myself look him in the eyes, if I do I’ll freeze on the field; possibly drop my flag, that just won’t do. I’m in color guard and I need to look good out there being the only guy on the team. If I look him in the eyes I’ll freeze at our first football game, the first day of school, in front of everybody.

I sigh lightly, about to march out to the field from our practice area. We begin and I slowly move my feet, left, right, left, right, I’m ready. We’re now on the bleachers and I’m waiting for the performance, my first performance in front of so many, I look around and see people cheering on the football players on either side of the teams, honestly I don’t care much about football, I just want to show them the color guard.

While I was scanning the area in frustration, I saw blue pools of diamond eyes, looking into deep brown ones, Shane. Of course he was with him they’re inseparable, he turns and sees my stare returning it with a glare. Delia nudges me and I quickly look away, not able to take his death glare anymore.

She says nicely. “We have a little while till performance, want to get some food, and a drink with Tegan and I?” I nod getting up and walking with them over to the food stand, various assortments, of junk food, beverages, and candy lined the wall in display behind the counter, of the small window. I scanned it over getting a slice of pepperoni pizza, a Coke, a bar of Hershey’s, and a bag of cool ranch Doritos. I had to admit I hadn’t eaten much today so I needed the food it wasn’t just for me though, I handed half my slice to Delia, and gave her half my chips as we sat back down, I ate it quickly chugging my drink, and getting up to throw away the trash. I was about to reach the large black plastic can but someone ran into me knocking me onto my back, him laying on top of me, all I though was, Oh no.

He raises himself off me, I can’t move at all; he looks down at me for a moment and says, “Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He reaches out to help me up, and somehow I grab his hand, oh god! It’s so soft.  He pulls me up and then let’s go of my hand, I can’t move. I stare blankly as he stares for a moment, before leaving into a crowd. I feel a bit more relaxed and pick up my trash throwing it in the trash can, finally returning to the bleachers.

It’s time to perform and my nerves are on fire, we’re all set and ready to start performing. I feel his eyes on me but I can’t see where he is, and I’m not frozen, definitely not. The music starts, as do we. We all move in fairly good unison and I feel alive, those eyes are glued to me and I feel them. We finish and I feel adrenaline pump through me, I shut my eyes and when were ready to walk off and go back to our seats. I see the blue eyes I long to stare into, Next to him are Shane, of course, and a dear friend, Nancy, she’s the sweetest, smartest, prettiest, girl in my year but unfortunately, I don’t see her often because she has so much better grades than I. I sit next to Delia on the end of my row and think about those eyes, the eyes of sheer perfection. I feel a spine chilling glare and turn around to see Morgan eyeing me harshly.

 I just turn away and think about my moments of magic on the field, it felt great to experience this, like true happiness, like all is right with the world, like this is where I belong. Then my thoughts were pulled back into the memory of the feeling of his gaze, I loved that feeling, but it could never be. I often find myself asking, Is it possible? Could it be? That he would find a way to love me? Then I brush it off. The end of the game was near and we were about to get up and march away from the football field soon, when I felt eyes on me, bad eyes, I look towards where Shane, Nancy, and those perfect blue eyes sat. Seeing somebody behind him, It was Morgan, he looked like was interested in him, this wouldn’t do not at all. I noticed others getting up so we could march away, damn, no time to deal with him, we march away in unison. I just have to make sure he stays away from him, from those perfect blue eyes.

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