Theory #2 Ahsoka Tano

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This theory/rant is dedicated to Soph_theScribe and shanSWfan for putting the idea in my mind.

Okay so you know how Ahsoka, Anakin and obi wan get stranded on Mortis right? If not go watch season four(I've got no idea what episodes they are). So Ahsoka dies she gets brought back to life by the daughter who then dies right after. Then in SWR future of the force Ahsoka turns the seventh sisters lightsaber off without hitting the button, so maybe she gets part of the daughters powers. shanSWfan in your UAAT books Ahsoka gets the daughters powers so that actually may be true. Comment on what you think because I may just be onto something.

Sorry the chapters so short this really is just something I thought of thanks to Soph_theScribe and shanSWfan
May the force be with you

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