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An/ so you probably noticed its just the chapter or maybe you didn't but I figure you get the point I'd like to thank to people that uh message boarded me uhh yep soo

Thx lolzgurl12 for skittles like yay and your welcome for the 100th follow! Thx sapphire flames65 and your welcome for the 70 th!!!

Uhh yeah also only two comments but uhh thx two th lovely people who did So thx to 1flower7 She will get this dedication for the correct answer ^_^.

So I've decided their not in high school in real life so I figure it makes sense they don't in here hope it's ok cuz I love to make you guys happy. I hate when my peeps are sad >.< so don't be sad please!

James POV:

Seamus and I are on my bed surfing youtube when we find a video called sanity not included, we watch all of the episodes up and are laughing a bit. That's when I get an idea. "Hmm lets see what happens if he drinks coke in real life" I say running down the stairs Seamus following me, begging I don't. I get out a can of coke and open it, then conveniently slys phone was sitting in the kitchen. I pick it up and text Aleks.

Sly>Aleks : come in the kitchen!!

I stand by the entrance coke at ready. "Hey sly what did you wan-" I cut him off but rushing him and shoving the coke down his throat. I pull away an empty can to see what he does, he just stands there a second then he looks at us. "What the fuck that's so gross what's your problem James, I could have choked or-" he groans and holds his stomach. "James what the heck I told you this was a bad idea" Seamus says "uh Aleks are you ok " I say looking over at him. "You probably made him drink so fast he got a stomach ache " Seamus says. "But in the cartoon-" I start, "a cartoon a fucking cartoon oh so next time you see them hit some one with a bat in the face do I need to expect to get hit the face. I mean it's bad enough it's coke but you decide oh let's fuck with Aleks today BECAUSE THAT MAKES-" he glares at me then walks away . Jesus Christ some ones a little moody. "Uh ill be in my room if you need me but that really wasn't cool James" Seamus says walking off.

Seamus POV:

It's really hard to be mad at James due to how I feel towards him but, damn he really knows how to get on people's bad side. Well maybe Aleks over reacted a tad, I mean James and every one knows his feelings towards coke. Ugg what ever. I lay on my bed, about to get some well wanted sleep, but in this house you'd be stupid to think you'll get any before 3 in the morning. The rule was proven when some one knocked. "It's open" I say sitting up. James come in and my mood install lightens up a bit. "Hey James any thing I can do for you " he nods and sits down next to me making a little buzz go threw me. " well you see there's this person I really like-". I zone out into my thoughts when I hear that. Does he maybe like me too does- "and she's really pretty, she has beautiful blond curls and she's really just like my best friend but I think I love her".

She what does he see in her that I don't have I'm so much better then then THAT SLUT! But he's not gay he doesn't like boys ill be nothing but a friend to him. "That's awesome James I hope it works out between you two, she seems to be the real deal" I say trying to not let my anger or sadness out on him. He seems to be sad almost. Why should he be sad he's not the one who just found out they person they love has no interest. " I have to go get something for a video tomorrow so uh hope it works out and yeah uh bye" I say running out of the room and out the front door. I sit by the side of the house crying, until I fall asleep. I wake up to some one shaking me. I open my eyes see James. "Seamus did you sleep out side". I look around to see I'm against the house " guess it looks that way doesn't it". "Why and were you crying, what's wrong" he says concern clear on his face. "Don't you have some girl to go ask out " I say glaring up at him. "Sorta in the process of that" he says with a smirk.

As I'm sitting in my thoughts and different emotions he leans down and begins to kiss me. I kiss back putting my arms around his neck, him pulling my up wrapping his arm around my waist. He brushes his tongue against my lips. I open my mouth with a slight blush on my cheeks. He sticks his tongue in my mouth, our tongues fighting for dominance, James winning investigates every part of my mouth. Before it gets any where these an all to familiar giggle, we pull away to see sly and Aleks laughing at us. James takes my hand in his and takes me past the laughing couple and up to his room.

An/ yay I listened to you here's some Jeamus :p second otp ! Well this is probably a terrible length but Hey give me some slack it's not an easy thing for me ok but yep here you go and I really appreciate thoes of you who take some time to comment on my book I'd like to see some more commenters out there can we get 3 comments 1 like ? Please

Question of the day: If you could be any youtuber for a day who would you be?

Also for next chapter dedication: who of the creatures currently has a girl friend?

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