Escapee(chapter 28)

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For how long I don't even know, I've been sitting cross legged staring at the same chakra dude that took Kaguya out. "Soooo..." I begin. He doesn't respond, he merely continues to look at me with his body levitating only a few centimetres off the air. I swallow my spit and the loud gulp reverberates around the empty chamber.

I frown at his stubbornness, I can't believe he won't talk.
"Are you gonna say something? Or are you just gonna stand there like a stalker-Wahh! " the chamber that was once quiet, is filled with a swirling noise coming from Chakra dude. The shallow water now is littered with distraught ripples and the sound is being thrown from wall to wall as if the walls know too, that this guy is dangerous and even the sound it makes could do harm.

"I told you to live strong and you lose to Zabuza? " he says sternly.

" I tried to win but I'm only a Genin-"

"Don't give me that crap! You're a Yohei for heavens sake, act like one. "

I frown." What even is that? Yohei. That word has been thrown around over and over and no one ever explains. Tell me, maybe I'll understand then. "
I don't where that burst if courage came from, but I pray it doesn't decide to kill me or whatever.

It begins to talk but his voice becomes muffled." Huh? ". His voice makes an ear screeching static voice. My room I was in begins to fade away like I'm being sucked away." Summoning! Use it! " that's the last thing I hear as I wake up from unconsciousness.

Third Hokage

I slam my fist onto the table. Damn... I let him go. I thought they wouldn't find him so quickly. I need to tell our side of the story before they fill him with their thoughts.

"Lord Hokage?" I completely forgot that Anbu was here... Just goes to show how annoyed I am at this. "I could've prevented all this, if I had told the truth straight off the bat. I could've saved the life off those killed Anbu." I could tell the Anbu was feeling very uncomfortable, when Naruto rushes in, he breathes a sigh of relief. "Oi! Old Man, what you do Hagoromo! And don't play dumb, I know you know something." he wore a white dressing gown and a bandage on his forehead. "Look, I didn't do anything to him. But I know where he is."

"Lord, are you sure you want to tell that to the demon fo-. "I raise my hand not even looking at him. Even the Anbu wants to neglect the hero of this village, fools... Don't even know the truth.

" Your friend has been taken-".

"Brother. "

" What? "

" Brother, he's my brother. " I stare confused at him. I decide not to ponder and try win this battle." Ok, you're brother Hagoromo has been taken away to the village engulfed in the Sun. Technically, he's originally from the village but he was brought out of harms way because his clan, the Yohei clan were slaughtered because they were a fiered power. Somehow, we don't know yet. The world he has been in for 13 years he left and he transported to this world. Some people found out and now they've taken him back, the reason we don't know yet."

Naruto stares at me blankly, obviously confused. He claps his hands together and lowers his head down. "Sorry, could you repeat that? I sort of blanked out." I anime fall.

"So, Lord Third. Did you contribute in slaughtering this clan. I mean, if the Yohei were so feared then there was obviously a Shinobi Alliance that was made. Am I right?"

Sasuke Uchiha emerges from the door. Why does everyone think they can just barge into my office?

"Well, since he is a official member of the leaf we'll have to save him immediately. "

" Alright! So it's me, Sasuke and two other people right? Gramps I think you should pick Kakashi-sensei as the team leader, he's the best of the-. "

" Hold it. " I snap. He's always jumping to conclusion, that'll kill him one day." I'm assigning this mission to the Anbu. Mere genin couldn't do anything. "

" What?! Are you serious! Of course I need to go! Hey let me go, Sasuke why aren't you annoyed. " The Uchiha boy drags Naruto away. He helplessly tries to stay in the room and chomps on the door frame." Rrrggghhh. This ain't over Gramps! " he manages to grumble from his wood filled mouth he suddenly lets go and his desperate thrashing becomes quieter.
I gesture for the Anbu to leave.

They really think I can't sense them? The Anbu are becoming more cocky.
" Ox, Boar, Fox, Eagle. " I sigh getting fed up. 4 ninja appear b kneeling on one knee." Our sincerest apologies my Lord. We just wanted to know which squad you were going to send on the mission. "

" So you could knockout that entire squad so I would pick you? " there's a soft silence." Look, revenge is not the path you want to take. I know they killed someone from your squad, the young one I presume. But you should never be driven by hatred. "

" We know my Lord, but we can't let this just slip away, the name of the Anbu has been tarnished and it makes my blood boil thinking how the culprits are roaming free. My Lord, please, pick us. "

They couldn't be anymore persistent. But, out of all the Anbu this squad is definitely the most skilled and experienced. The same squad which held Kakashi Hatake and Itachi Uchiha. The Leaf's infamous: Yohei Black ops.

" Alright, you were going to go anyway. But remember this. " I point at Bird intently to make sure I'm talking about him." If the situation becomes too complicated or difficult, you must pull out immediately do you hear me? I'd rather have all my men back to me safe then some men missing limbs. "

" Yes sir! " they bellow.

A doctor runs into the war room panting. His glasses are awkwardly placed on his face and his puffy petulant face is as red as a tomato." He's... He's escaped! " he exclaims. At that same second, a person leaves her chair and sprints down the hallway knocking the doctor backwards. She dodges cabinets and people blocking her way as she closes in on the shell. An ear screeching noise reverberates through the hallway. She drops to one knee covering her ear. "What is that infernal noise!" she asks herself. She manages to get past the unconscious bodies leading to the cell. She smashes the doors open and is in shock at what she sees.

A flaming red mythical beast is 10 feet in the air. It's golden beak shines brightly as every flap it makes with it's Amber beautiful wings causes the whole cell to shake. The phoenix. And on top of it.... Who would've guessed?
A crimson haired boy grabbing onto it's back for dear life, she could swear he was crying.

"How the hell do you control this stupid thing?! Wagggrrhhh! Slow down you stupid Peacock?!"

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