Fragments(chapter 30)

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Sorry for not updating lately! Easter holidays is taking a lot outta me. Anyway, heads up. I'm not following all of the Naruto, only the parts that are relevant to Hagoromo. Just watch great actual anime to see what happens in the leaf. Also, I need some new attacks for the Yohei clan specifically zone Hagoromo. So don't be afraid to drop a comment! This is a short chapter but I promise I'll make up for it.

Third POV

"Pick up the pace Hagoromo! " Ren shouts. She wasn't happy with Hagoromo's speed or agility at all. If he were on the battlefield, he'd be dead in a matter on minutes, and her neck would be on the line if he did die.
Hagoromo lands a direct punches to Kill's jaw sending him backwards. He was a skinny pale boy who obviously has crimson hair. Ren named him a Kill because she was impressed with his murderous intent, it was what drived him forward. He doesn't know his birth name because he was too small to remember.

"Not bad. " Kill says. He regains his balance and slides to a stop." My turn! " he exclaims. He focuses energy into his hands and claps them together. Wind begins to swirl around him. Hagoromo remembers that stance, he'd been nailed by the same attack on his first day.

Kill separates his hands and a massive stream of chakra shoots out of his hands. Hagoromo curses and grabs two shuriken from his pouch. He hurls them skillfully so they curl around the blast. The first one, Kill notices and barely dodges it. He sways back and loses his balance.

The second shuriken stabs him right in the thigh causing him to drop to one knee. Kill moving so much changes the direction of the attack slightly, Hagoromo takes advantage of this and leaps as far as he can to avoid the attack. Unfortunately, it burns his right leg and he grunts in pain.

Kill stares in amazement. He was impressed how Hagoromo improved so quickly in the span of two weeks. He needed to train more or he would be surpassed in no time....

"Alright that's enough! " Ren shouts, if she let them continue they would probably try and kill each other." Training is over for today. Dismissed! " with that she disappears.

The two both struggle to get up." You got me good, I have to admit. I've never seen someone dodge that the way you did. "

" Yeah, but I didn't completely dodge. I'll be limping for a while because of you. " they stare at each other before giving a closed eyed smile to one another.
Hagoromo remembers he used to do that with someone, he just couldn't remember who.

" Hey Hagoromo " Kill begins as they head out of the training Hall." If I tried a coup d'etat right now, would you join me? "

" No way, I've tossed around with Boss, and I don't want to do it ever again. "

" It was just a joke bro..... Just a joke.... "

" You're crazy man. "


The two boys are having lunch together. Kill is swirling his chopsticks in his soup while Hagoromo is slurping down his ramen." You really love ramen... That's all you ever eat. "

Hagoromo looks up from his bowl smiling." Yup! Ramen is amazing.... " he trails off. Kill notices Hagoromo distressed face and acts concerned." You ok? Hagoromo? Hey! " he shouts as Hagoromo hurls his bowl at Kill who swiftly dodges.

" What is wrong with you? " Kill shouts. He's never seen Hagoromo like this. He was shaking in every part of his body, his pupils scans the area like it was spazzes out. He seemed kind of... Broken.

" Get out! Out of my head!. "he begins to thrash around knocking over the wooden table." Calm down! You're safe. "Kill gets behind Hagoromo and grabs trying to subdue. Kill flips over and pins him down to the marble floor." Forget about him dude. Whoever it is, forget! "

Hagoromo's breathing steadies and begins to regain control of his body." Thanks Kill. "
" That's what best friends are for. " Kill had gotten along really well with Hagoromo, mostly because he was the only one his age here that wasn't unbearably annoying.

" You can get off me now. " Hagoromo struggles to say in his fixed position." Yeah, sorry. " Kill apologies." I think I need to be myself, sort out my thoughts. "

Kill waves Hagoromo goodbye as he leaves his room. He sits on his bedside lost in thought. Who was that blonde haired kid that pops up in his head. Fragments of him lingered in his mind. Was he important to him? He needed to get rid of him from his mind, he can't live like this...
He sat there by himself, in his dark lonely room. Thinking about who he was... He was a Yohei, a ninja from the Sun. No one else.

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