Finally (chapter 49)

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Hagoromo makes an hand sign with his right hand which was surprisingly shaky."Release" he mutters quietly. The a hole is created as particles from the mountain wither away. Like last time, the hole lead downwards into a small cave. Just as he was about to enter Hagoromo notices a presence,he swings around in fright to see the old man standing there with a fishing pole. Although he looked quite mellow, Hagoromo knew he was furious.

"Didn't I tell you never to come back?" He calmly says. Usually, Hagoromo would get into a defensive position. This time,all he could do was kneel down and hope for the best."Please! Let me train under you!" The old man looks down at the young kid before him. The young sprout obviously showed potential but that doesn't excuse the fact that he's a Yohei.

"I beg of you. Just being in your presence makes me want to quiver in fear. You and Boss are the only ones to make feel like that. I want become stronger than anyone. Stronger so-." Hagoromo is winded as the old man suddenly kicks him in the gut sending him rocketing into the mountain. Just one kick, provably caused Hagoromo internal bleeding. He coughs blood onto his hands gasping for breath. He then kneels back down to his original position."Please!" The old man once again delivers a incredible kick to Hagoromo sending him high in the air.

Hagoromo's eyes become hazy. That one really hurt....
He manages to ignite his hands and use them to soften his fall which still broke his right foot because he landed awkwardly.

"Never in a thousand years would I teach a Yohei." Hagoromo walks slowly to face him once again kneeling ."Please." He mutters, looks like his windpipe got messed up pretty bad. He won't reliate, that's what he wants. A reason to kill. From what he's holding back, it was this man's moral code that kept Hagoromo alive. The man picked up Hagoromo by the skull squeezing hard making Hagoromo scream with his already shattered voice.

"You think secluding yourself here was a good idea? Eventually someone was going to find you. What are you hiding? Why are you trying so hard to keep hidden?"

The man tightens his grip resolving that the boy before him must be killed to keep his whereabouts hidden." I prefer to be alone away from society. I guess..... That's just who I am."

Hagoromo remembers those words.. Zabuza had said that before killing his mother. Zabuza... Zabuza! Chakra bursts from his body. His eyes become pale without any pupils. Veins become visible in a vulgar fashion. The old man's eyes widen in confusion. Where did this power come from, and that Byakugan... Is he a Hyuga? A scary but feint image of Kaguya appears behind Hagoromo is staring down at the man who is till holding his throat. "Back off!" He shouts with a raging voice completely different from before. The man quickly leaps away. Hagoromo's eyes show rage and ferocity as he looks at the man.

But after a short moment, he returns back to a feeble weak form. His pupils return and the killing dangerous presence he once had disappears. His unconscious limply falls onto the cold ground. His heart barely keeps him from dying. That kid had something inside him. Something the old man had to control, or it would wreak havoc onto this world. Good grief, it's like he somehow attracts trouble.

"Oi, you still alive?" He asked. Hagoromo can only reply with a few gasps." I'll take that as a yes." He begins dragging Hagoromo into the secret bunker."Although it would be a lot more easier if you died."

"As you requested I will train you, on one condition. Why do you want to become stronger?"He asks. This would depend if he actually trained him or locked him away.

Hagoromo still could barely speak, with gasps in between words he managed to say"to...protect.... Friends." The old man smiles in content. This was surprising, he was sure that he would say to become the strongest in the world and crush everything in his path. He also took a real beating, all for the sake of his friend. The kid's got guts, another reason why he'll train him.

He lugs Hagoromo onto his kitchen table."What...are you.... Doing?" Hagoromo says with one eye closed.
"Just sealing away the power that almost killed you." The old man's right hand ignites ferociously, it looked a lot more fierce than Hagoromo's.

"How can you use natural energy? Wait guagh!" Just when Hagoromo had caught his breath and could speak properly, the old man drives his palm right right into Hagoromo's stomach. His stomach glows with a white bright light and a womanly scream escapes from the stomach.

"Hm, so it was Kaguya." The old man retreats back to his fishing pole and fish on the surface." Idiot! Why did you shut her out? She was my source of power!"

"You're you're source of power not her. Depending on her will only get you killed. I'm doing you a favour kid."

"I didn't ask you to take care of me old man, I asked you to train me."

"My name is not "old man", it's Urahara."

"Urahara... Urahara what?" Hagoromo says curiously.

"None of your damn business brat".
Hagoromo anime falls. This old man had unusual mood swings he couldn't figure out at all. Urahara continues to tend to the cooking stirring the thick soup with a ladle every once in a while. He pours a ladle of soup into a bowl and heads back downstairs. He hands the hot bowl to Hagoromo." Here, it will help with your recovery but this is the only time I provide you food. Some fish is cooking outside if you wants some. Training starts tomorrow so get some shut eye."

He slowly leaves the room." Training will feel like hell, you'll want to die at times. Everday you'll he so tired you won't he able to move a single muscle. Won't be a problem for you though, you'll do anything to protect your friends right?"

Hagoromo rushes his hot bowl and sighs a sigh of refreshment." Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Urahara smirks." That's the spirit." He's about to leave the room before Hagoromo calls him back." Yes?"

Hagoromo thrusts out his empty bowl." I want another."

Urahara quickly gets his pots and pans hurling them at Hagoromo."Oi! So now you can't even go up the stairs to get more soup yourself?! Baka!(idiot). The nerve! Get our of here and don't come back until you've finished all the soup. That'll show you. You'll be there for hours."

Hagoromo holds his head trying to dodge the metal cooking appliances coming his way at dangerous speeds.
"Jokes on you old man. I love eating."

Urahara almost kills Hagoromo as he hurls a pan full power with his natural energy embedded in it making it even more powerful and fast."Gaghhh!" Hagoromo dodges it by a hair. It speeds past him making a huge dent in the concrete stairs." My bad!" Hagoromo shuts his mouth and sprints up the stairs scared of being less lucky and getting nailed with another death pan.

Urahara violently coughs repeatedly." I've used to much, need to rest." He slowly trudges to the other room to sleep.

Hagoromo looks at the sky just finishing his 4rth serving. Sasuke is probably training now and Naruto is about to start. He couldn't wait to see how they've grown after two years.

Hagoromo takes off his Leaf wristbands power resistors and hang them on a tree. These wristbands have been with him ever since Kakashi had given him it. Even when he was at the Yohei base, he kept it because he somehow knew it was related to something special to him.

As the nippy midnight breeze whooshes the trees, Hagoromo makes an absolute promise to become stronger or die trying." The ninja Hagoromo, is taking a break from fighting to get stronger." Hagoromo sighs.

Sasuke, Naruto,Kill......Sakura, just wait. In two years I'll be unmeasurable powerful...

Soop sequel to SIBTW is out! So jave a gander once you've reached this point in this book Kay!  Enjoy!

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