~ 1 ~ B r e a k i n g I n

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Shuddering, I pulled my hood up over my newly dyed black hair. The rain was beating down on me, soaking through my sweatshirt.

"Of course it would rain today..." I growled under my breath.

Trudging up the stairs- soaking wet- I walked into an apartment building. Hopefully I would be able to get something to eat, maybe even get a bit of money.

I left my hood up, my head down. I knew exactly where the cameras were located. I had studied the layout of this place for awhile, I know it like the back of my hand.

I climbed the stairs, not wanting to bother with the elevator. The stairs were faster- and in my opinion- safer.

I walked along each floor, hoping to see someone walk out of their apartment. I didn't have any luck with the first 3 floors, but patience is key. When I got to the 4th floor, my luck changed.

I walked past a man exiting his apartment. He was about 5'11", maybe a bit shorter. He had glasses and poofy hair, dyed dark blue at the top. It looked like it had begun to fade. He had a scruff on his face, but it suited his appearance. He had kind brown eyes, kind of like melted chocolate.

I almost felt bad.


I waited until he was out of view, making it seem like I had kept walking. Once I was sure he wasn't coming back, I pulled out a bobby pin from my hair and picked the lock to his door. With a quiet click, the door unlocked. I stepped inside and closed the door, taking my hood off.

I ran to the cabinet, hoping to find anything canned. Then I saw a box of chocolate poptarts. Grabbing it, I shoved it into my bag. Poptarts took a long time to get stale, so I could make these last for awhile. I opened the fridge and stuffed my bag with bottles of water, along with a box of cereal and a few granola bars.

My stomach growled. I sighed, knowing I would have to eat soon. It had been four days since I had last eaten, and I felt like my stomach would start to eat itself soon if I didn't eat.

I ran for the door, reaching for the handle. And then the door opened without me laying a hand on it.

There stood the man that lived in the apartment, blue hair and all.

My eyes widened, stumbling backwards. I pulled out my bulletless gun, shaking violently.

Why did he have to come back now?! I screamed in my head.

The man put his hands up, his eyes wide. "Take it easy... Just... Put the gun down..." He spoke, his voice deep and gentle. His brown eyes were focused on the gun, which my shaking hands were holding.

"I-I don't want any trouble," I said more quietly than I meant to. Oh God, I feel like I'm about to pass out... I can't go to jail. I can't.

The man must have taken notice, because he shoved my hands up and knocked me to the floor. He pinned my hands above my head, grabbing the gun and throwing it away.

"I'm calling the cops!" The man said, pulling his cell phone from his pocket. My eyes widened in panic.

I CAN'T GO TO JAIL! I screamed in my head.

My body seemed to take over from there.

I brought my knees up to my chest, and kicked the man as hard as I possibly could. Because of the awkward position I was in, the kick didn't have too much force in it.

Grunting, the man stumbled backwards. I squirmed away, pulling my backpack off. "I-I'll give back what I took! Please, just don't call the police!" I said, panicking. I unzipped the backpack, showing the bottled water, poptarts and cereal box.

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