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I took a deep breath and stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel. I checked the door, just to make sure it was locked.

Nodding to myself, glad the door was still locked, I picked up the white t-shirt and light gray sweatpants Mark had left me.

I unfolded them, checking them around for any hidden devices or weapons.


I pulled them on, the shirt coming down to my mid-thigh and the sweatpants pooling to the ground around me.

It's times like this where I despise being short.

I braided my hair, draping it over my shoulder. The black dye had begun to wash out, making my hair start to turn back to its natural brown.

I silently opened a cabinet in the bathroom, hoping to find something to pin the pants up with.

I pulled out a small handful of safety pins, attaching them to the sweatpants to allow myself to actually walk without having to worry about tripping and breaking my neck.

I closed the cabinet and layed on the floor, turning my head to look under the bathroom door to see if there were feet.


I stood and pressed my ear to the door, listening for any sign of Mark being near the door.

Again, nothing.

I cautiously popped the door open, poking my head into the hall. He wasn't even in the hall.

I stepped out, still cautious of him. Who would invite a theif to stay at their home?

What if he called the cops while I was showering? I thought.

Crap, what if he did? I'm going to have to get the heck out of here... So much for a warm place to sleep tonight.

I walked into the livingroom and picked up my backpack to find- to my surprise- that the food and water was still in the pack. I pulled my pocket knife from the front pocket and tucked it in the waistband of the sweatpants, just in case I was forced to use it.

Mark was kind- or at least that's what it seemed. But then again, I don't know him. He could be an absolute jerk for all I know. I've only known him for what- an hour now? I wasn't going to stick around to find out he was a fake.

I pulled the backpack on, picking up my bulletless handgun off the floor and tucked it into the front pocket of the bag. I stuffed my old clothes into the pack as well, not wanting to leave the only pair of clothes I had.

"Are you leaving...?" Mark asked from behind me. I jumped, not realizing he was there.

"U-um... I figured I'd just... Go..." I mumbled, not wanting to say anything to offend him. If he really was a kind person, I didn't want to hurt his feelings...

"Oh... Are you sure? It's supposed to pour rain tonight..." Mark said, "I figured you didn't want to get sick."

I frowned, not sure if I should trust him. What if he was lying about the rain?

As if he was reading my mind, Mark pulled up his cellphone and brought up the forecast for the next week.

Well, he wasn't lying. There's a tropical storm off the coast, and it looks like it may turn into a hurricane according to the meteorologist.

If it does turn into a hurricane, I would have nowhere to go. I can't stay out on the streets, it's too dangerous. I don't have the money to rent an apartment, or even pay for one night at a hotel. I can't sleep in the lobby, I've tried that before and they kicked me out. They almost called the police on me, saying that I was loitering.

I don't exactly have a choice now. Whether I like it or not, I have to stay. I'd rather take my chances with Mark than a possible hurricane.

"I-is it alright if I stay until it blows over?" I ask, feeling awkward asking someone I barely knew if I could stay at their house. Mark looked a bit surprised.

"Yeah, absolutely. I'll get some blankets and pillows. Is the sofa alright with you?" He asks.

"I'm fine with anything. I'd take the floor at this point. It's better than a dumpster," I said, grateful he was letting me stay.

"So that's why you smelled so bad," Mark said with a teasing tone. He smiled.

"Probably," I smiled and shrugged. I was starting to feel a little more comfortable around him.

... Well that's not good.

If I get more comfortable around him, the more I'll drop my guard. If he tries something and my guard's down, then what? He's at least a full foot taller than me, not to mention he easily overpowers me. The second my guard comes down, the second I lose my advantage.

I need to keep my distance.

Mark walks off to grab some blankets and pillows for me so I could sleep.

What if he tries something while I'm sleeping?

Shoot, I didn't think about that until now. What then? I'd be half asleep, he'd be right there. He could slit my throat for all I know. Or if he had chloroform, he could just press it to my face. There's no telling what he could do.

Maybe I should take my chances with the storm after all...

Mark walks back and sets the blankets and pillows on the sofa.

"There you go. Try and get some sleep, alright?" He said, hesitating before starting to walk back to his room.

I couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking the same things. Maybe he was thinking that I could kill him while he was sleeping. I mean, I could, but I wouldn't. I can't take a life.

Can't or won't? The little annoying voice in the back of my head I call my conscience spoke.

Sighing, I put a pillow at the edge of the sofa and layed down. I pulled the blanket off, staring out the window at the full moon.

A few minutes later, it began to rain.

The quiet sound of the rain hitting the window was like a lullaby, luring me into a peaceful sleep.

The full moon shone through the window, creating a beam of light across the floor in front of me.

I pulled the pocketknife and held it in the light, the silver blade reflecting light up onto the ceiling.

I jumped and dropped the knife as thunder sounded through the building. My heart sped up. I wasn't expecting that.

I picked the knife back up and gripped it, pulling my hand behind the pillow.

I need to stay awake in case Mark tries something, I told myself.

I stared out the window, counting the raindrops on the window.

My eye lids seemed to be weighted, they closed, engulfing me in darkness. I melted into the sofa, feeling comfortable for the first time in a long time.

Involuntary, I drifted off to sleep.

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