~4~ O u t a g e

127 12 15

Okay two quick things.
2: The story right now is set when Mark was at... Um... Wow I'm a bad fan I can't remember what he was at when he had blue floof. I think it was when he just reached 11 million???? But I don't know??? Correct me if I'm wrong. 😅

Mark stood to put away his food, and I walked to a window, wanting to see how bad the storm had gotten.

The streets were filled with cars- as usual. There were a few poor souls that were walking in the rain with umbrellas, only to have them break from the wind. I couldn't help but give a small chuckle when I was a man sprinting after his umbrella that had flown out of his hand.

"What?" Mark asked, looking at me in confusion. I turned and looked at him.

"A guy playing tag with his umbrella. Nothing much," I said, sitting on a chair, still watching Mark.

"... Okay...?" He said, his voice rising an octave.

Then the room was plunged into complete darkness.

Of course.

"Um. Mark. Darkness is happening," I said, slightly panicked.

I hate the dark. For reasons I won't get into. Not to mention the fact I'm in a dark room with a guy that-for some unknown reason- hasn't called the cops on someone who broke into their home. Not a good combination. Then again... I'm always paranoid.

"Gee, thanks for letting me know, Rey. I definitely didn't know that we're in complete darkness," Mark said, pulling out his cell phone and turning on the flashlight.

Thank you, Apple, for adding the flashlight feature.

Mark grabbed a flashlight from his room and handed it to me. I turned it on, looking around the apartment.

"So the power's probably gonna be out for a bit..." Mark grumbled, sitting down on the sofa. I nodded. Having no power wouldn't make much of a difference for me, other than no lights.

I walked to the window, looking up at the dark sky. You'd think it was 8 at night by the way the sky looked.

Sighing, I sat down on the chair across from Mark.

"... So you wanna play would you rather?" I asked randomly. Mark arched an eyebrow in question. I shrugged.

"I'm bored. I can't exactly go about my normal buisiness so..." I mumbled, looking down at my hands, glad that I at least wouldn't have to risk my neck for awhile.

"Uh... Sure then. You wanna go first or...?" Mark asked, getting comfortable.

"Eh I'll go," I said, "Okay... Would you rather... Die by drowning or burnt alive? Like, lava?"

"Wow straight to the death. I see how it is," Mark chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Well let's see... Neither is a good option so I would have to go with... Burnt alive. I mean sure it would feel like I'm being barbecued, but hey, I don't have to deal with the ocean," Mark said, laughing awkwardly, "What about you?"

"I'd rather drown. I mean, sure you wouldn't feel like you were going to implode if you were burnt, but it would be beautiful. Imagine just looking up and seeing the sun up through the water, or the moon down on you. I would rather drown. At least I could see something beautiful before I died," I shrugged.

"Huh. Interesting. Now onto a lighter note that's not about death," Mark smiled a little, "Uh... Okay, I have one. Would you rather be embarrassed in school in front of strangers or a group of friends?"

"Easy. Friends. That way you could laugh it off with them and not have to deal with the crap strangers would give you," I replied. Mark nodded.

"Fair enough," he said.

"Would you rather visit the past or the future?" I asked, curious. I always loved to hear about people's opinions on things like this.

Mark looked up in thought before responding, "Probably the past. I'd like to see how everything was created. Y'know, talk to the first human, see how the universe was created, blah blah blah..."

I would love to see the past. But personally, I would rather see the future. I would want to see what I turned out to be. If I had contributed to the world in any way, or if I had a family. Or if I was still living in the alley ways, stealing to live.

"Would you rather be the smartest person on the planet in a world of dumb people, or an idiot in a world of geniuses?" Mark asked, chuckling to himself.

"Idiot in a world of geniuses. Imagine all the things you'd be able to learn," I told him, "Would you rather be broke and happy or rich and unhappy?"

"Broke and happy. Happiness is more valuable than money. Corny as heck, but true," Mark smiled. I nodded.

After a minute of silence while Mark thought of a new question, I decided to ask a few questions I needed answers to.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked. Folding my legs beneath me, I stared at him.

Mark shrugged, "You're not trying to kill me, you only tried to steal food and water, and your gun had no bullets."

"That's not a valid answer. I need a reason, Mark," I frowned. Just because I was only stealing to survive doesn't mean you let a theif stay in your home.

"It's perfectly reasonable," Mark argued.

Picking up his phone, he typed something in and set it down a few seconds later.

"So what do you do for a job?" I asked. What did he do? As far as I've seen, he doesn't do much.

"I'm a YouTuber," Mark answered proudly.

"A what now?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Have you been living under a rock or something...? Anyways, a YouTuber is someone that sits down in front of a camera and records videos," Mark went on to explain what he did on YouTube. He had a staggering 11 million viewers.

"Woah that's... That's really amazing. That's good you're using your fame for good," I said when Mark told me about how he would do livestreams to raise money for charity.

"Yeah it's pretty amazing. I get to meet all these incredible people, and I have the privilege of doing what I love. I'm just being a doof in front of a camera and blubbering baby sometimes," Mark laughed, smiling wider as he spoke of his viewers.

"Maybe I'll look up some of your videos sometime," I say with a smile.

Stop it, I thought, you're getting way too comfortable around him, Rey.

But maybe... It's not such a bad thing after all?

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