Chapter 1

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*Harry’s p.o.v*

I’m so out of breath right now, it feels like I’ve been running a marathon, I mean I am fit, but this is ridiculous, I love my fans and all... but sometimes they are a bit too much ... so here’s what happened; I went to Starbucks for some coffee for me and the lads, I went in ‘disguise’ but a few fans spotted me so now here I am, running away from them..

 I can’t take it anymore... I can’t breathe... I have to stop running... I see a girl walking out to her porch and locking her front door, she’s around my age, very fit from what I could see, she is wearing a really cute floral dress and her long brown wavy hair hanging loosely down her shoulders, and  perfect green eyes to finish the look off...

 i run up to her, breathlessly and beg her to let me in  ... She has a confused look on her face but she lets me in... just in time, the fans were hot on my trail... she watched as i take hoodie and sunglasses off... A big smiled appears on her face and i start laughing.

“What?” i ask with a grin “You’re Harry Styles?  From One Direction?” she exclaims excitedly... “Yup” i pop the p... she just smiles at me, and offers me something to drink... i nod and she walks to the kitchen

 She is so beautiful “uhh sorry i didn’t get your name ”i say embarrassed “Anidy, Anidy Frost” she replies from the kitchen i look out the window to see there’s more fans then before...  i sigh and sit back down, knowing there’s nothing i could do about it...

I sit and wait for her to come back, I pull out my phone and go onto twitter my mentions are going crazy, I’ve gotten used to it by now, but right now  at this very second everyone is tweeting the address of the house I’m at i laugh at some of these mentions and put my phone away. Anidy comes into the room with some tea “thank you” i smirk ... “uhm Harry how long do you think they’ll be out there? My mom will be home any second ”she asks, i shrug “a fan once slept on our doorstep and left a note” “that’s so cute” she replies sweetly. Wow this girl is so amazing!! No snap out of it Styles she’s just a fan... i can’t like her... can I? I start to mentally argue with myself...

*Anidy’s p.o.v*

Oh my gosh! Harr- no THE Harry Styles is in my living room talking to me and drinking tea from my cup, I’m totally fangirling now.. but i won’t  show it..i’m stubborn like that...

  I’m turning 18 in a 2 months, i have long brown hair, green eyes, and quite well built with a nice tanned tone...

 “So Harry, why are you in America?” I ask and he replies in the cutest accent “The lads and i bought a house here... we’ve got a one year contract to perform at the American Airlines Arena ... we have sold 56/70 out shows already”

*3 hours later*

  All the fans are gone but harry still haven’t left, i honestly thought he’d leave, and go back to his ‘life’ and forget about me... it could still happen, but he hasn’t left yet, so I’m savouring every moment

 I phoned my ,mom earlier to find out where she was, it was past 9pm already, she told me that she won’t be home  in a few weeks... she takes these kind of trips regularly, that probably is the perks of being a CEO for a major company... As sad as it is, I’ve gotten used to it. But when my mom returns she always makes up for it

 As i get lost in thought Harry takes my phone out of my hand “hey!!!”i yell and he just smirks and types something into my phone... he gives my phone back with his number typed in and his caller id reading : “The sexiest man alive..;)” I laugh at it

 I grab his phone too I type in my number and put up my caller ID as “Annie” I hand him his phone back and I blush he raises his eyebrow and laugh, i laugh too and lightly hit him on the chest... it gets silent, but not an awkward silence, a comfortable one... he looks at me and smiles and his dimples shows and I instantly melt.

 His phone starts to ring and, he walks  into the bathroom I follow him and eavesdrop  i hear him say in barely a whisper “No it’s not a date Lou... yeah she’s hot ” i hear him chuckling  i start smiling like an idiot and run down stairs so he doesn’t see me, i take out my phone and text him:

“it’s lonely downstairs L </3 jk!!  hahahaha- Anidy”

 I send it... i can hear him chuckle  My phone vibrates in my hand and i read the text

 “Be down in a sec ;)- harry”

i hear harry come down stairs, i look up to see harry smiling at me “what?” i ask, he smiles “nothing...”then he looks down “hey uhh Lou is picking up in a few minutes” he says sadly i “I can stay if you want, your mom isn’t home yet so...” he says “Don’t worry, my mom won’t be home for a while, she’s out of the country for business” i say bluntly, i hated being alone!! It scares the living crap out of me, and i think he sees that “Aw no babe, I can’t leave you alone like this... I’m staying!!” he says in a joking way, and then engulfs me in a hug

*Harry’s p.o.v*

I text Lou not to pick me up, and almost instantly he replies

 “Okay Hazz, text me when i should pick you up”

i smile and put the phone down, i head up to Anidy’s room and she hands me some clothes to sleep in...It’s mens clothing, but the sweet smell coming off of it i could tell its hers “is this yours?” I chuckle “yeah, why?” she blushes and looks down “it’s comfortable” she adds, i nod understandingly “So, uhh Your Father?” i ask “they divorced when i was 2, its only me and my mom” she says sadly “I’m sorry” i say embarrassed  “don’t be” she smiles

 “Are you tired yet?” I ask smiling at her “No, you?” she sighs “Nah, wanna watch a movie?” i grin and she nods her head in agreement we head downstairs and she chooses The Avengers... I love this chick!! She’s witty and into super heroes!! In see the start of a great friendship, i smile at her “what?” she asks looking adorable in her night gown and puppy slippers “Nothing, just you” i say in a flirty tone “Flattery will get you nowhere Styles” she giggles lightly pushing me

The movie went by really quickly she fell asleep on the couch, so i carried her upstairs, she looks like an angel when she sleeps... i gently lay her down on her bed and i turn the light off, and head downstairs

there’s something about her, i feel very.... Protective of her, though we only met today, i know that i want her... i wrap myself in the blanket she gave me and i soon drift off in a peaceful sleep

Exceptional Love (Harry Styles Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now