Chapter 14

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*5 years later*

* Third person’s p.o.v*

All of them finished college and got degrees.. Anidy fell pregnant 2 years after the split with a little girl, they named her Leigh... Harry works as a music teacher at the university and Anidy has her own Starbucks

Chantel got twins, a boy and a girl they named them Christelle and Christian... the boy looks like Chantel and the Girl like Niall... Chantel teaches children how to surf- although she’s not allowed to surf herself... Niall became a chef and is very successful,

 Louis got married to a girl named Chelsea, Louis became a traveller and met Chelsea by travelling to Norway, they have a little boy Ryan

 Chinay is pregnant with her and Liam’s first born, they don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet.. Chinay stopped modelling an few years ago and is now a major clothing designer... Liam is Chinay’s manager and an attorney

 Muniza and Zayn got married about a year ago, but they don’t have children yet... Muniza became a doctor and Zayn opened a very successful tattoo parlour

The boys think they are forgotten, but they aren’t... there are fans, that to this day still cry at night, wanting for them to reunite, although the girl who killed Libby was never found, fans stopped with the hate completely...

The boys miss the band and each other... but they feel it’s too much of a risk..

 *Harry’s p.o.v*

Management wants to see us, we don’t know why... this was the first time in 5 years we’ve heard from them it was strange “Harry, where did we put Leigh’s pony?” Annie asks as she enters the room “Babe, I- Uh management wants to see us” i say flabbergasted “When?” she asks sitting beside me “Tonight...” i sigh “Babe, maybe they want you to discuss some legalities??” Annie adds rubbing my hand,” Yeah, probably” I smile... I knew what they wanted, i just wouldn’t admit it to myself, after all these years... why now?

When we got there, we all cried when we saw each other, it was the first time in years i saw all of my mates together, i miss it, I miss us.. we enter a room and a man starts speaking “Hello guys I’m Harrison, thank you all for coming on such short notice, but we have to ask you a favour”  we all nod for the go ahead “We want One Direction to reunite..” he finally says

We all gasp and look at each other “Guys, i think we’ll wait outside with the kids...” Annie says picking up Leigh, she walks out followed by all of the girls and the children... We all look at Harrison “What does this entail?” i ask “Well, over the years we got thousands of fans phoning in about you guys, asking... you never did that stadium tour..” Harrison replies to me

 “Okay, and if we agree to this, what happens to our families, our children?” Louis ask “Well, we organised a RV for each of you, so your wives can tour with you guys” “And our jobs, our wives’ jobs?” Zayn adds “Well, uhh... we were hoping you could put in a few months leave... and if like Zayn, you have your own business, you could ask someone to manage it for a few months... and we’ll have a personal baby sitter there too for the kids... Guys, you need this, your fans need this” he finishes “Okay, if we accept, can we have sort-of a trail period?” Niall asks

“Okay, a month, if it doesn’t work out, you leave, for good... but if it does, well that’s your decision” he finishes “I’m in” Niall says “Me too” Liam says “Me three” Louis jokes “Fine, me too” Zayn laughs. They all stare at me waiting for an answer... i think about it for a few moments... “Yes...” i agree, smiling from ear to ear... we all get up and share group hug “So guys, the first show will be held at the Wembley stadium in four weeks” Harrison says and leaves the room

Annie enters, followed by, Muniza, Chantel, Chinay and Lou’s wife... Leigh runs. up to me “Daddy, i wove you” she says as i pick her up “Awwwh, i love you too baby” i say kissing her forehead “So, what did you guys decide?” Annie asks worriedly... I look down and put Leigh down

 “HARRY??! NOO!!” Annie shouts at me “Calm down Annie” i say in a soft tone “Calm down?? Calm down!!” she whisper shouts at me “Harry did you forget what happened to Libby??” she says more calm “No Annie, I haven’t... but i miss this, i miss the band... i miss the boys and the singing” i say with tears forming in my eyes, she hugs me “Okay, i guess it’s not the end of the world” she jokes and pecks my lips slightly we all for in a circle and have a huge group hug again

Now the hard work starts...

*Anidy’s p.o.v*

 I’m so happy for Harry, but I’m afraid too... Afraid he’ll be too busy for me and Leigh... but he told me we can tour with him, my assistant Marlene could manage the shop for a few months, and I guess Harry talked to the University... we are on our way to a sound check...  we left Leigh at home with her Nanny... The boys haven’t told anyone yet, they are still keeping it under wraps...

As we arrive there and get out Harry takes my hand and looks nervous... “Babe what’s wrong?” I ask... he turns to me “Annie, what if i suck? What if i can’t sing anymore?” he asks... “Awwwh, Harry? Baby, I’ve heard you in the shower... you still got it” I joke and wink at him playfully... he chuckles slightly and we enter the building I see all my friends and head over to Zayn..

After all these years, Zayn and I stayed best friends... Chantel and Chinay grew closer and me and Chantel drifted apart... but I had Zayn.. “Hi DeeDee” Zayn says hugging me “Hi Zay” I reply and we break the hug... I hug Muniza next and Harry joins us and we talk a few minutes until a women calls the boys inside and my heartbeat quickens, i love hearing Harry sing... His voice its so, perfect... “Goodluck Baby” I say kissing his lips and he walks in...

“I won’t let these little things slip out, of my mouth... but if i do, it’s you... oh it’s you they add up to... I’m in love with you and all these little things” They finish, That was their fifth and final song they sung “Well, that’s a wrap i guess... great job guys, see you next week” the blonde says before exiting the room the guys exit too with their faces beaming Harry heads over to me “Harry, you were so good!!” i say hugging him tightly “Thanks Baby” he kisses my lips... “so i  talked to the university, and they understand... so I’m home free” He says hugging me again ..

 I could see he was happy, happier then i guess in 5 years...

Exceptional Love (Harry Styles Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now