Spooders - 3

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Ooooo its me back with another prompt at 5 in the morning lets goo

A bit of adult content... Dildos. A bit of sexual content suggested, plus some sexual content in the video posted above. Nothing too bad. 13+

Prompt: A has a bug in their room, and is absolutely terrified! B comes to help... but is terrified too.

Inspired by the highly hilarious spider dildo scene animated above (Check out BeyondUnstable she's an amazing human being).


"KRISM!" I run at the sound of my name, terrified at what she might need now. She's in the middle of recording, she never stops recording, why does she need me of oh god why???

"W-What's going on?!" I cry, running into the room.

"There's a spider on the wall!" She can't be serious. "It's right there, you need to get it. Right now. Right. Now."

"You're actually serious?"

"Yes! Get it!"

"What, am I gonna pull a tissue out of thin air?"

"Umm... Here," She walks up behind me, pushing me slightly in the direction of the arachnid. "Get it."

"What, no! I am NOT going near that thing!" I turn around, running behind her, so that we've now completely switched positions. "Ladies first, baby~"

"NONONONONONONONONONONONO!" She practically screams, running away from the small, black dot on the wall. I stare at it, letting my mind wander. Then, out of nowhere, I realize that Minx is beating it down.

"Oh you got- IS THAT," I take her hand, examining the mysterious object.

"Baby, it was the nearest thing to use-"





"WHY DID I WASTE FIFTEEN BUCKS ON IT WHEN YOU'RE JUST GONNA-" She put her thumb on my bottom lip, making me completely freeze.

"Krism, why don't we put this dildo somewhere... Safe?" 

She broke the empty space, and the firework show started.


Okey that was the death of SpooderMon and the birth of Krinx happiness yey

Oh my lord I need sleep

Comment, like, read, all that jazz. I'll update a lot more today and from now on, I promise.

Thanks for reading!


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