Canada Day - 5

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I'm really sorry I haven't been updating very much anymore. It's really because I haven't enough time, or more importantly, any inspiration. However, I finally sought out the inspiration I've been craving.

Happy Canada Day!

This chapter includes Drunk!Krism. Oh jeeze... Here we go.




Ah, July first. The last day she would spend in England before shipping off to America for her Fourth of July family reunions. It was the last night I would be able to hold her while we slept, the last night to kiss her and tell her I love her, the last night to see her warm smile in person. I wanted this night to be perfect.

Knowing Krism, it was bound to go wrong.

I was sat in the sofa, looking through my Twitter feed, when I heard a loud CRASH! echo throughout the house. That isn't a good sign. I quickly threw my phone down and ran to the origin point of the sound - the kitchen. Sure enough, there she was; Krism sat on her knees, the fridge door blocking most of her body, as she rummaged around through our food.

"Krism?" I asked hesitantly, inching my way closer. We ate not long ago, what could she be looking for...?

"Mmm?" Was all I could make out from the low mumble that replied to my call.

"Krism, what're you doing?"

"... Michelle, don't you know what today is?" I was startled by her response; her voice had a cold edge that clearly screamed 'Do not mess with me right now'.

"I-It's July first?" I stuttered, hearing another crash come and go at her touch. While I nearly shat myself, all I heard was a few low curses.

It took a moment for her to answer. "You're... You're wrong," Her voice had softened, and became a bit slurred as she continued her search. "Damnit, where the fuck is it?!"

"Krism, baby, what are you looking for?" I edge a bit closer, close enough to put my hand on the door if I dared.

"Where's the fucking bacon, Minx?!" I suddenly saw the bottom of a white bottle appear and disappear as she took a quick sip. From the angle she held it at, it looked as if it was almost gone. Wait a minute...

"Kristen, is that the Vodka Sinow gave us?" I asked, edging closer now. Now I could clearly see the white bottle of 'Maple Syrup' flavored Vodka lying on the floor next to a dysfunctional, sobbing Krism.

"Where is it?!" She looked up at me, her tear-streaked cheeks blushing slightly from the alcohol.

"Kris, why do you need it?"

"It's Canadia day!"

"You mean Canada Day, right?"

"That's what I said, Michelle. Canadia," I chuckled a little bit, the syrup flavored drink making a bit more sense. "We need to celebrate... We need to..." Her face strained a bit as she thought. "We need moose, and Canadian bacon, and maple syrup, and... And we need to be really nice to each other..."

"Baby, I'm pretty sure those are all stereotypes-"

"DON'T RUIN MY CANADIAN DREAMS, YOU WHORE," She suddenly stood up, slamming the fridge door shut.

"Sorry," I laughed, throwing my hands up in surrender.

"Besides..." Her slurred voice broke through my thoughts, and her warm hands locked around my neck. "This means we can have Canadian sex tonight." 

I laid my forehead on hers as I let out a loud, hysterical laugh. She pushed me away as her arms folded at her chest, her lips forming a small pout. "Krism, please, what the fuck is Canadian sex?"

"Well... Why don't we find out?" And on that note, she launched herself at me.


Well, it's officially summer, another birthday has gone and past, and I finally wrote something! WHOO!

Happy summer break for all of you students, and happy Canada day for all of you up north (or those of you who watch Hetalia (: ).

I promise this isn't the last you'll see of me this summer! 

Thanks for reading so far


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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