Chapter 1

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Lying down, cold, hard floor, covered in blood, head pounding, heart racing. My eyes were blurry. I couldn't see anything. I never knew I'd be kidnapped and beaten. What have I done? This innocent young girl, with my boyfriend...wait...Where's Jason?!

I looked over to the side and saw a body. Underneath it was a pool of dark red liquid. I was too weak to get up and see who or what it was. I reached my hand out slowly, and struggled to turn the body over. It was cold. Deceased. I finally got a grip at it, and there lied Jason. Cold. Dead. Lifeless. My heart suddenly dropped. Tears started to stream down my face. The love of my life...was gone. His life was taken away. I let out a loud cry as I pulled closer to him, forgetting about the nails that were cutting my body. I put my head on his chest where the bullet was and cried like I've never cried before. He was gone. He had left me. This was all my fault. MY FAULT! I reached up to his face and kissed his cheek, one last time. I struggled to get up, and finally got to my feet, grabbing my clothes and limping out the room. I made sure no one was in the "abandoned" house place and got out, leaving my boyfriend's lifeless body there. I put my shirt, shorts, and Adidas' sandals on and rushed out to the outdoors. How did we ever get here? What happened? My head was spinning. I don't remember anything that happened last night at all. All I remember was getting stood by gun point, knocked out, and slept throughout the whole entire thing. I didn't get to say goodbye or I love you to Jason. I finally got out to the city. I recognized the street I was on and started walking to the nearest place where my house was. Eyes fell on me as I limped through the town. "Yo mami, you need a ride home?" some random guy said. I ignored him as him and his friends chuckled as I continued to limp.

I made it to my house and rushing in on the couch and flopping on it. I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about Jason. He's gone, but now up in heaven with is mom and dad. I had changed his life so much after his parents had died. We were friends in 8th grade. Both his parents had gone to glory when he was only 10. 11th grade, he asked me to be his girl. We've gone five years straight, and it came down to this...I couldn't believe it. But he will forever be in my heart... I slowly walked up the stairs and into my room. I had lived by myself after graduating college. Jason lived across the city. I loved him with all my heart. I looked at all the pictures on my dresser. It was pictures of me, my family, my friends, and Jason. I looked at one of the pictures that we took at prom. I let a tear run down my face, remembering the moments I've had with him. I got on the bed, with no care at all. I didn't want to do anything but lay down and cry. My phone suddenly vibrated. I looked at the caller ID and it was RayRay. What does he want?! I hate him...No...He's been my best friend since...birth! Geez. I've drifted away from our friendship when I met Jason. I guess we haven't talked since we graduated college. I'm surprised he still has the same number. "Hello?" I answered faintly. "Hey...YN, you alright?" he asked. "No...I...I'm not feeling well." I replied. "I heard what happened. I'm really sorry YN, I really am sorry." He said. "It's okay Ja-...I mean, Ray." I sighed. I almost called him Jason. (Isn't that his name in Bad Behavior? O_O) "I'm coming over, if that's okay with you." He said. "Yea." I whispered. "Alright. Hang tight YN." He said, hanging up. I threw my phone across the floor then rolled onto my stomach, crying my eyes out.

I got in the shower, scrubbing off all of the blood, just getting everything off me. I'd gotten out, wrapping myself in a towel, then put this on a regular short black shorts and tank top.

I tried to stop shedding tears, but it was hard for me to stop thinking about him. Jason was the love of my life. I don't understand why he had to go so soon. It wasn't his time to go. My doorbell rang and outside stood RayRay. I sighed then opened the door. "Hey YN." He said, smiling a little. I faked smiled and let him in. He walked inside then I closed the door, then he looked at me. "YN, come here." He said, holding out his arms. I slowly walked to him, bringing myself into his arms as he hugged me tight. "I'm really sorry for what happened to Jason. I know you loved him YN." He said, rocking me side to side. "Why did you decide to talk to me now...I thought you hated me?" I said, looking up at him with my face covered in tears. "What? Hate you? When did I ever say that YN?" he said, looking puzzled. I sighed and shook my head. "You know I don't hate you YN. We've been best friends for a very long time."

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