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Ariana's prove
Stefan called and wanted us to go to his house.
"What's up?" I ask when we arrived. Stefan didn't speak then we saw Rose
"It's you." Elena said
"I wanna help." Rose said

"So who is this Klaus guy?" I ask. Actually, I know Klaus when I'm in LA. I met him quite a few time.
"He's a original like Elijah." Stefan said
"Klaus is mother like Elijah. Yes they are same thing but compare to Klaus. Elijah is a bunny. Klaus is the real deal." Rose said
"Klaus is know as the oldest." Damon said
"So what you are saying is the oldest vampire in the history is coming after my sister?" I said that is unbelievable
"And you. Yes." Rose said
"No. We don't even know if Klaus even is real. As I know he's just a story to scare kids to eat their veggie." Damon said. You're such an Idiot, Damon.
"No. Klaus is real. If you aren't afraid of him you are a fool." Said Rose
"Maybe no one even know you two excised. The only one who knows is Elijah whale dead." Stefan said. Elena nodded and stand up,"where are you going?"
"School." Elena said

"Ari. I need your help." Elena said
"What is it?"
"I want to talk to Katherine."
"Are you crazy?" Yep she is
"Look. Katherine is the only one who knows about Klaus that is my only shot. I'll have Caroline district Stefan." Elena said. Looks like she's serious
"And what do I have to do with it?" I ask
"Katherine seems nice to you. We'll compare to me. She's super nice to you so I need you there so she won't kill me."
"As long as you stay at the other side of the wall your safe. I'm not doing this." I said walking away. Elena grab me
"Ariana. Please, help me. She won't tell me anything."
"Then so be it. She won't tell me anything either." I roll my eyes. I hate it when she uses her puppy dog eyes.
"She will. Please."
"Oh dam it. Elena. Fine when do you wanna go?"
"Now. I've talk to Caroline she's waiting outside."

We arrived at the tump. Caroline seems scared.
"Hello Elena, Ari." Katherine came out not really out but where we can see her," goodbye, Caroline."
"It's ok. As long as we stay on this side we are safe. Please." Elena said
"If you know that why did you want me to come?" I sigh. Elena rolled her eyes. Caroline sigh and leave
"What do you want?"
"I brought you this." Elena took out a big pillow and throw it to Katherine," and this." Elena hand me Katherine's family book and I hand it to Katherine
"What do you want?"
"I wanna know things about Klaus."
"You been busy and why do you think I will give you the answer?"
"Cause I had Ari brought you this." I took out a bottle of blood,"don't know how she get it but sure it is flash." Katherine vamp up seemed like she's hungry
"How long does it take for your body to shut down five or ten years so painful I couldn't even imagine."
"Stop it. Kat can you just tell us about your family and we get our answer and you get your blood?" I hand her a cup of blood."
"What do you want to know?" Katherine ask
"The book said that the family line ended with you but clearly didn't." I said
"First of all I have a little sister but she dead  so I'm sure she did have a baby in her live time but I have a baby out of wedlock. Shame." Katherine roll her eyes
"It was kept secret." Elena said in a question tune
"Num. My baby was given away and then I left Bulgaria with my sister or I was thrown out and my sister has my back. We were banish to England that was the time we caught the eyes of Klaus." Katherine said
"That's when you meet him. Did he ever mention about any of this?" I ask
"No. He fancies my sister that's why I stay there then when we found out what he was and what he want from me then I ran like hell."
"What about your sister?" I ask
"She knew that Klaus won't hurt her so she reck it and connect with Trevor and helped me out while she wore my cloth and pretend to be me and except but it didn't less long before Elijah caught her but then she killed herself before Elijah can compelled things out of her." Katherine said she seems sad
"She killed herself for you?" Elena seemed unbelievable
"What else do we need to break the curse?" I quickly change the subject
"You been busy." Katherine wick at me seemed like she doesn't want to continue talking about her sister
"It's not just the moonstone and my sister. There must be more."
"A werewolf." Katherine said
"That's why you kept Mason." Elena said thoughtfully," what else?"
"A witch."
"Bonnie." I said
"It could be anyone but Bonnie is fine. And finally you need a vampire."
"Caroline." Elena said unbelievable you," so you are just gonna hand us over to Klaus?"
"I thinks over hundreds of years. He's ready to make a deal and I'm looking out for myself. I will always look out for myself."
"Even killing your own sister." Elena said pulling me closer
"That was a mistake." Katherine said she seemed angry that Elena brought it up

Katherine went out of sight after Elena said the wrong thing. We don't know what to do now
"Ariana? Elena?" Stefan came
"Stefan? What are you doing here?" I ask
"Caroline told you didn't she?" Elena said
"No she kept your secret but it didn't take me long to guess where you are. Don't listen to her. Elena, Arian that bitch is a liar."
"What if she isn't. You should listen to what she said." Elena
"I haven't tell you the best part of the story." Katherine came out of sight," after I turned. I went back to Bulgaria and found my family. There were lifeless body everywhere. I hurried in the house. Everyone is dead. My mom my dad. Everyone. Klaus killed them all just to get me back from running."
"Hey. Elena don't. I want let anything happened to you."
"That's the point you won't but you will die trying." Elena said
"See who's the protester. Can't you see? She's stuck. Besides if you disobey Klaus he'll kill every single person you ever loved. Unless you have this." Katherine hold out the moonstone
"That's it. You set this hall thing up so we have to get that form you. You want to triad it for your freedom you this manipulative bitch." Stefan came closer to the thumb
"My freedom? That's where you're wrong, Stefan. I don't want my freedom. When Klaus get here he will do everything he wants to do and anyone who gets in his way dies and I'll be in this thumb where no vampire will enter because no one can get out I will be the safest bitch in town." Katherine turn and walk away," and by the way, Ari. Klaus will be very surprise when he sees you."

Elena's little sister( Klaus and Damon's love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now