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I looked at the small digital clock on my bedside table, giving a sigh. My eyes traveled to the bed next to me, where Eggsy lay snoring, his mouth wide open and a little bit of drool on the corner of his mouth.

"Attractive," I muttered amusedly under my breath, before throwing off my cover and getting out of bed.

As soon as my feet hit the floor, a small splashing sound echoed across the room, and I looked down to notice to my horror that the floor was covered in rapidly rising water.

The water was already up to my ankles by the time I screamed.

"Wake up!" I yelled.

"What the fuck do you want?" Charlie yelled back.

"Unless you don't want to become a real-life Ariel in the next few minutes, I'd suggest you got out of bed moron" I snapped as yells began to fill the room and it filled up with water and the other candidates started to realize they were two drops of water away from being turned into human seaweed.

"Alright everybody calm the fuck down!" Charlie ordered as the water reached our waists.

"Loo snorkels!" somebody yelled.

"Loo snorkels?" Eggsy repeated, miffed.

"Showerheads!" screamed Roxy, and realization dawned on Charlie's face.

"She's right, fucking go!" he screamed, as the water reached neck level.

"Hey! What about the fucking door-" Eggsy's yell was cut off as I took a deep breath and ducked underwater.

The rest of the candidates had swum towards the bathroom area and screwed the shower heads from their tubes, sticking them down the toilets.

I frowned when I realized Eggsy wasn't amongst them.

Instead, I saw him swim towards the door, struggling to open it. I looked around, and he pointed at the mirror.

He swam over to the glass, punching it and trying to break it. I swam towards him and grabbed one of the loose shower heads, swimming to the middle of the glass and tapping on it four times in a diamond shape with the showerhead.

Then once in the middle.

I drew my fist back and punched it with all my might, sending pain searing through my knuckles.

For an agonizing moment, nothing happened.

Then, slowly, a crack appeared, and it quickly branched out into millions of small cracks, traveling across the mirror.

Just as I thought my lungs were going to explode from a lack of oxygen, the mirror shattered.

I felt myself being sucked out, the water barely cushioning my fall as I smacked into the concrete floor.

When I opened my eyes and sat up, I was looking straight at Merlin, looking serious and holding a clipboard.

"Congratulations on completing your first task. Charlie, Roxy, well done. For those of you who are still confused...if you can get a breathing tube around a U-bend of a toilet you have an unlimited air supply. Simple physics, worth remembering. Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror." Merlin said.

"He's probably seen enough of them," Charlie commented.

"Charlotte, that trick you did to break it was impressive, I've only ever seen it done once before," Merlin said, looking impressed.

"So she broke the glass," Charlie muttered, and I glared at him, feeling like reminding him that if I hadn't done that, then he would still be in that room, floating around like some sad piece of seaweed.

"Yeah, you can all wipe those smirks off your faces. Because as far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has failed, you all forgot the most important thing-" and he pointed towards the room. "-teamwork."

I stood up first to get a look, and to my horror saw that another girl was lying in the water- Amelia I think her name was.
The most alarming thing was that she was laying on the floor, her body limp, and her chest unmoving, and I realized with a start that she was dead.

"So much for classic army technique" Eggsy mumbled.

Free Fall ♚ Eggsy UnwinWhere stories live. Discover now