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"Roxy, what is this?"

"That's your dress," she stated, and I shook my head vigorously.

"It most certainly is not," I replied, horrified, as I held up what seemed to be the smallest square of white fabric to ever exist. 

"Is this supposed to cover my body?" I asked, and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"It'll do," she tutted, before disappearing behind her changing room curtain to wear her own dress. 

I huffed as I started to undress, throwing my clothes over the side of the changing room. 

"So what's going on between you and Eggsy? " Roxy asked, and I felt my stomach drop suddenly.

"Nothing," I replied rather unconvincingly, and I heard Roxy snort.

"Right, and I'm the queen of England," she replied, "Now spit it out," 

"It wasn't anything serious, just a small fight" I said, determined not to tell her. 

That wasn't true at all. 

I had spent the past week agonizing about the moment we had fought in the training room, how he told me he had feelings for me and I completely disregarded it, and told him to leave me alone. I had relived the moment every single night, lying in my bed, listening to the other trainees's soft snores. 

I pulled the dress over my head and adjusted the straps, looking at myself in the small mirror on the wall. 

I didn't look half bad, except for my dirty hair and the bruises on my legs from days of training.

"You'll have to get some tights to cover those up,"  Rosy was peeking inside my changing room, and our gazes met for a second.

"So nothing's going then? I'm not going to have to pick sides soon?" she joked, and I smiled at her, a shaky breath leaving my lips.

"Nothing, I promise," I said, feeling bad as soon as the words left my mouth. It wasn't fair to Roxy, she'd been such a good friend to both of us. 

Her gaze fell back upon my dress, and she grinned.

"You look so hot," she said, and I felt a blush color my cheeks.

"What is this supposed to cover?" I asked her, and she grinned mischievously, before disappearing back into her own changing room. 

When we had bought all that we needed, we returned to headquarters to shower and scrub up for the night.

I had just finished drying my hair when I heard loud voices from the door.

"Roxy?" I asked quietly, pushing open the dorm room door. 

I spotted Eggsy and Roxy in a heated argument with each other, and they hadn't heard me. 

"Talk to her," Roxy hissed, and Eggsy threw his hands up in exasperation.

"She's made it pretty damn clear she wants nothing  to do with me," he said, and Roxy rolled her eyes.

"That's such bullshit, and you know it!" Roxy said hotly, and Eggsy huffed.

"Well, what do want me to fucking do?" Eggsy's voice rose angrily, "She hasn't even looked my way since—"

"Who's shouting?" I asked from the doorway.

Both Eggsy and Roxy turned to look so fast I was sure I heard their necks crack.

Eggsy got an uneasy look on his face, and Roxy offered me a watery smile.

 I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could she took a breath and interrupted me.

"You done in there?" she asked, and my mouth remained open at her expectant expression, my head finally nodding after a small moment of silence. Without another word in my direction, she picked up her dress and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut with a bang. 

I turned to Eggsy, who was trying to tie his tie around his neck, failing hopelessly.

"Give that here," I huffed, striding over to him and untying the mess he had made, "How did you even. . ." I trailed off, holding up the tie

 "It's not my fault it's so bloody complicated!" Eggsy moaned, and I detected the embarrassment in his voice. 

I started to tie the tie, trying my utter best not to look up at his face.

He let out a sigh, and I could feel his gaze on me.

"Are we ever gonna talk about this?" he asked. 

"About what?" I asked, still not meeting his gaze, and his hand came up to rest on mine, laying them against his chest, so I was forced to look up at him.

Now this was a gamble: he wasn't sure if he was going to get a slap, or if I was going to listen to him. 

"About us," he said, and our eyes met. 

"I don't know," I admitted, "I'm too scared to talk about it," 

His hands squeezed mine.

"What are you scared off?" he asked me gently, and I shrugged.

"The dentist?" I muttered, and I felt his body shake with laughter underneath me. 

I looked up into his smiling face, an felt my heart start to beat out of my chest as he leaned forward slightly.

"Are you scared of me?" he asked softly, and his whisper sent shivers down my back. His arms slowly wrapped themselves around me, enveloping me in warmth, a sense of security flooding over me.

"No. . ." I trailed off as his eyes flitted down to my lips momentarily, before he leaned forward. I felt myself following suit, our lips mere millimeters from each other. 

"All done!" Roxy's voice pulled me out my moment, and I sprang backwards like I'd been scalded. 

My face flushed crimson red and I refused to meet Roxy's gaze.

"Did I interrupt something?" she asked slyly, and I shook my head violently, my gaze still fixed on the floor. 

"N . . .No," I stammered, finally looking up. 

Eggsy had turned so red he vaguely resembled a tomato, and Roxy had a shit eating grin on her face. 

"You lot!" yelled Charlie from the other side of the room, "Unless you want Merlin's size tens up your ass I'd suggest you get a move on," 

Free Fall ♚ Eggsy UnwinWhere stories live. Discover now