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I'm lazing on my bed, sipping a can of beer, when the door goes. A hesitant tapping as if the person behind it was unsure on whether they wanted me to hear it. I sigh and inch down my music slightly, not bothering to put on a top and decide to open the door in just my black jeans.

  "Violet!" I blurt out, feeling an instant shock.

  "Tom. Hi." She whispers, brushing her hair back with her fingers. I give her a friendly grin.

  "What's up, Vi?" She shakes her head slowly, closes her eyes and sinks her head into her hands.

I grab her wrist gently and hesitantly pull her inside, closing the door behind me. She faces me and I see the tears slipping down her cheeks. I feel a slight twinge of pain in my heart, watching such a beautiful girl look so broken. I lift a finger and lightly brush away her tears and pull her into a hug.

"Wanna get drunk?" I ask quietly, and hear her chuckle slightly.

"Is that all you frats do? Get pissed when life is too hard?" Violets hazel eyes stare into mine, they were glazed over from sadness but there was a light there; a bright, happy light that hadn't been put out yet.

"What else should we do? Wallow in it?" I ask, as I throw on a plain top I found on my sofa.


A chilled atmosphere cloaks the room as soft singers with gentle guitars play quietly on my speakers. My bedroom is engulfed in a light, white smoke. Violet sits on my window sill, a joint between her two fingers, and her eyes searching the outside world, a high smile plastered on her face.

"Isn't it amazing?" She asks.

"What's amazing?" I say, sitting in front of her and taking her joint. I inhale it deeply, feeling a warm sensation waft through my body.

"Just watching the world go by. There's the Mums who are surrounded by shopping bags and little shitty kids. And there's the Dads who sit in their car a while longer before they enter their crazy house." Her fingers press against the glass as she watches it all.


Her face turns to me and eventually she peels her eyes away from the window.

"I'm going to do something ... I don't know if you'll hate me or not, I just really need to do it, okay?" I say, looking at her raise the joint to her lips and disperse smoke through her mouth slightly. She nods.


I inch my body closer, my face centimetres from hers. My breath quickens; I feel as if she is literally taking my breath away. I place my hands on her head, underneath her hair so I mess it up slightly. I hear her make a quiet gasp as my lips contact her own. She follows my lead, and becomes more intense, lifting my shirt up and we break away for a second as I remove mine completely, and she removes hers. Then our lips touch again, and her bra and stomach press down on my exposed one. My fingers trail lightly across her back and I feel goosebumps surface on her skin and she kisses my neck.

It was heated and passionate, and so much more meaningful and plentiful than what I get from all the other girls. Violet was different, but it was a good different. And although there was a small tremor of guilt in my heart, because she was only here because her boyfriend was a cock, and she only wanted to do this because she wanted a distraction from the pain.

But I don't want to be a distraction anymore ... I want to be with her.

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