First day at the Academy

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Naruto was excited it was his first day at the Academy. His Nissan was going to bring him even. He was excited. He couldn't wait. When he opened the scroll his mom left him he was amazed. He smiled and got dressed.

"You ready Koinu?" said Kakashi from the kitchen where he was making breakfast.

"Yep. Look what mom left me for today." said Naruto proudly

Kakashi looked and was amazed. He said, "Why a kimono?"

*Flashback no Jutsu*

Naruto opened the scroll to find girls clothes and was confused. He picked up the note and read


Your probably wondering why the girls clothes right? Well woman are underestimated when in a fight. So i want you to pretend to be a girl. Your name is Naruko it was the name i picked out had you been a girl. It was the closest i could get to Naruto which i adored.

Be sure to work on making a jutsu for this. Use the henge and modify it so you can keep up the act.

Love you,

Ps. In the fridge there is another seal. Apply chakra to it and a bento box will pop out. Do this once a day for everyday you have school. I made you lunches and sealed em in there. Its a stasis seal that will keep the fresh.

*End Flashback no Jutsu*

Naruto smiled at him and said, "Mom's choice. I'm Naruko now in public."

"Ok Imoto." said Kakashi snickering

"Laugh it up Nissan. But when i take down someone of your caliber cause they thought i was a weak helpless girl then who will be laughing?" said Naruto

"Point taken Naru-chan." said Kakashi, "Come on eat breakfast. I still gotta make you a lunch."

Naruto went to the fridge and saw the seal array he had seen before and applied chakra. And a black lacquered box poped out. Naruto went over to the table and sat down.

"Mom made premade lunches for me. One for every day i am in school." said Naruto

"Ok sneaky woman mother." said Kakashi smiling, "Least you get to taste Mom's cooking."

When they went to school Hiruzen was smiling but shocked Kakashi was there. When Naruto was called up he smiled.

People who knew about him being male were confused by the outfit. Naruto wore a black kimono shirt tied with a silver obi. The sleeves came down over his hands. On the corner of the sleeves and the left breast near the obi was a sword and three pronged kunai design. A silver kimono shirt was worn underneath so very little was seen coming from underneath the sleeve. A short black skirt with the same sword and thunder god kunau design. Short fingerless black gloves on each hand. Even if not seen a partial sleeve from mid arm to mid bicep was worn on each arm. A netted sleeveless shirt underneath it all. A choker with a eight tigrams seal with the kanji for Respect of self and loyalty of family. Silver leggings to mid thigh. A shuriken kunai holster on his left leg. Silver stockings so only a fingers length of skin between leggings and stockings. He wore calf high black ninja sandals. His hair was ankle length and thick like Jiraiya's own. He had it bound in a tail and it still reached his ankles. His bangs hung down in his face and they were tipped in red. His eyes had silver eyeshadow so his eyes popped. His lips were black with silver liner. His nails were silver with black tips. In his ears were hoops. On one was the Uzu swirl, the Namikaze triple swirl, Kakashi's Henohenomoheji symbol, and the symbol for the Sarutobi clan.

Naruto smiled and said, "I'm Naruko Uzumaki. I like training, spending time with My Nissan Kakashi, and my Grandfather. I dislike traitors, liars, cheats, and ignorant morons who can't tell a prison from it's prisoner." that right there told them he knew about the fox, "My hobbies including anything to do with art and music. And my goal is to be a bad ass Anbu Captain like my Nissan and take over for for my Grandfather when he retires."

He went back over to Kakashi who smiled at him. The kids wondered about the mask and Hai-ate. Kakashi lifted Naruto up not even bothered by him. He held him on his waist and Naruto merely put his head against his shoulder and played with Kakashi's tags.

When they were seperated into classes Naruto was last and Kakashi said, "If i may Naruko would be better placed under Umino in all fairness."

"For what reason. All of us are just as qualified." snapped one man

"That maybe but Umino has all the clan children even civilan clans. My sister is the heir to two clans and an honorary member of two more. She is representing four clans at all times. As he has them all it is only fair he get her as well." said Kakashi

Iruka said, "Fine she's mine."

Naruto snorted and whispered, "Sneak. Getting mama's nephew to teach me."

Kakashi said, "No this is a sneak." he louder said, "Umino i was asked by our mother to give you this if i ever saw you."

Iruka took the letter and read it


I know where my sister is right now. She is fighting with Kurama. If she dies please loose yourself to your hatred. I know what is going to be done today.

Today your uncle and i will seal Kurama into our son Naruto. Please Ruka-kun don't hate your cousin for holding Kurama.

Kurama is the Uzumaki family guardian. Some unknown Uchiha is controling him. So please don't be angry with him its not his fault.

Until we meet again Iruka-kun.

Remember our family moto "Jus drein jus daun." "blood must have blood."

With love,
Kushina Uzumaki
Your aunt

Iruka was shocked and Kakashi said, "Problem Umino?"

"No Hatake-san." said Iruka who folded the letter and put it in his vest.

When they were released Naruto said, "Can i go see Grandpa while you talk with Iruka-sensei?"

"Yeah go ahead Koinu." said Kakashi

The name caught the Inuzuka clan. Naruto laughed and ran off and yelled, "JIISAN!"

Naruto ran toward the third and slammed into the ageing man. He laughed and surprised the kids when he lifted him. Naruto hugged the man tightly and smiled at him.

He said, "See my new clothes. Mama left em for me. She even made me lunch too."

"I see that. And you look very pretty. Naru-chan." said Hiruzen smiling

Naruto showed his earrings and said, "Look Jiisan i got one for mama and daddy. Nissan's personal symbol. And i got one for your clan too."

"I see that. But do you remember what i said about your daddies clan name?" said Hiruzen

"I know Nissan said i could wear it today but i wasn't allowed to wear daddies symbol again until i can beat him and you in a sparing match." said Naruto smiling

"Well then you got a while to go. Cause i maybe old kiddo but i am far from being weak." said Hiruzen amused

"I know. But you would be surprised." said Naruto who dropped his voice, "Nissan says i am high Genin level now."

"Oh he does huh. Well he would know. Still on the blue section of your training?" said Hiruzen knowing about the color coding of the library.

"She nust started green last week sir. The levels are locked with time lock seals. So you have to complete the first level to open the next. Naruko just unlocked level two last week." said Kakashi lowered his voice, "Level one pregenin and Genin. Level two Chuunin and Jonin. Level three Anbu and oinin. Level four Kage and Sannin. Level five is seals and nothing but seals. Level six is senjutsu and nothing but."

Hiruzen was shocked and said, "High expectations those two. How long do you figure it will take for level two?"

"Should be complete come exam day maybe team placements." said Kakashi

Hiruzen said, "Let me know when she reaches level three."

They were all shocked when Kakashi bowed and said, "Yes Grandfather."

Hiruzen smiled and ruffled the teens hair and Naruto smiled from his grandfather's arms.

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