Uchiha Massacure

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Naruto had been reading his book when Kakashi grabbed his arm and left. Naruto knew what that meant. He smiled and merely kept reading.

He was more surprised when a crow appeared out of nowhere. He took the letter and opened it,

Get to the hospital. My clans gone. Someone impersonated me. Sasuke thinks its me it wasn't. But. I don't know who it was. I know Danzo was lurking around. Seal off the sharingans in everyone hurry. He'll take em if he can get them alone.


Naruto left in a shunshin and killed the men that were there. They dropped the jars causing them to drop. He fought one and was slashed in the face. His right eye instead of left like Kakashi's.

He ma aged to wound them before they got away. Hiruzen came down with the staff and Anbu. They saw five dead bodies Anbu members no less. Sharingans around the floor. And Naruto standing there sword in hand.

"Naruto?" said Hiruzen

Naruto turned around his hand over his eye and said, "Danzo tried to take them. Itachi sent a warning. He didn't do this someone impersonated him. He doesn't know whi though. Asked i seal their eyes so they couldn't be taken."

Hiruzen said, "Then do it."

Naruto sealed them off and picked up the ones plucked out and sealed em in a stasis scroll and handed it to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen said, "You keep it hidden in your vault. No one will find em."

Naruto said, "Very well. May i see Sasuke?"

They went up and Naruto came in and handed him the note. Sasuke read it and said, "So it wasn't Itachi then?"

"No. It was an imposter. Just act like you hate him. We can't let them find out otherwise. Danzo already made his move. I sealed them all up. Those that were taken i will hide in my familes vault. I am the only one who knows the location so they'll be safe." said Naruto, "And i killed all but one of the theives but he won't live long qith the injury i gave him."

Sasuke saw the blood and the face he held his face and said, "Are you alright?"

Naruto said, "Me and nissan match now."

"Naruto?" said Hiruzen shocked

Naruto turned and removed his hand. They saw the face the cut went right through his eye very deep. Hiruzen said, "Open it and let me see?"

Naruto did and Hiruzen swore and said, "Yep your a matching set now. Your eyes gone."

Naruto said, "No worries I'm good. Nissan can teach me to work around it."

"Let me see the scroll?" said Sasuke

Naruto did and he unsealed them. He looked through them and held out one and said, "He can have this one sir. Its a recent activation. Its only got two tomes."

Hiruzen said, "Are you sure?"

"Yes sir. He saved my family from loosing their eyes. We owe him. He lost it defending my clan's etes so its only fair we replace it." said Sasuke smiling, "Sides how else am i gonna repay him for it sir."

Naruto was given the transplant. His face was bound in bandages when he walked into class the next time.

Everyone stared and Iryka said, "What happened?"

"Are you aware of village standings right now?" said Naruto

"What do you mean?" said Iruka, "I know Sasuke isn't coming cause he's in the hospital. But not the reason for it."

Naruto sighed and said, "The Uchiha clan was struck yesterday. The whole clan is dead. Itachi snapped and murdered them all. Sasuke is in the hospital for emotional trauma. He came home to see him standing over their parents bodies."

They were horrified and Naruto said, "I heard Sasuke scream when i was coming home from training. I have to pass his district to get home before you ask. I went to help cause he yelled for help. I engaged Itachi in a kenjutsu fight. He struck my face. It cost me my eye but i managed to hold him off till Anbu arrived. He fled but he wasn't able to kill Sasuke too."

Ino said, "So your here to tell Sensei your dropping out?"

"Nope. Sasuke gave me a newly activated Sharingan eye to replace mine as a thank you for saving him. I will be fine and match my Nissan now as that is why he wears his hai-ate sideways. He lost his protecting his teammate Obito Uchiha. Obito was later killed on yhe same mission saving my Nissan. Obito gave my Nissan his eye to replace his. We won't be able to deactivate it like a real Uchiha but we can use it. It drains alot of chakra so it has to be covered all the time. The medics think cause of my healing bloodlimit that it will fully assimulate and I'll be able to deactivate it." said Naruto, "I am fine to be in class today Sensei."

Iruka said, "I know the medics cleared you but i would feel vetter if you waited till those bandages came off to comw back. I'll come over and catch you up on what i teach but it would be better not to activate the injury."

Naruto said, "Is that concern of a student talking or concern for a cousin?"

The class was shocked and Iruka smiled and said, "Both. I don't want you to get hurt and end up loosing your spot here. Thats my teacher talking. I also don't want you to hurt yourself by ripping stitches and undoing all the medics hard work. That is the cousin." he smiled and ruffled Naruto's hair, "So go home Naru-chan. I will ve by Aunt Kushina's place later with your class work."

Naruto smiled and bowed as he said, "Very well Iruka-Nii. I will stay home till these are off."

With that he disappeared in snow. "Did he just use a Shunshin Jutsu?" said Kiba

"Yes. Naruko lives very far outside the village. So she was taught how to do it so she didn't have to walk. Even the Nara and Hyuuga live closer than her. If she was to come on foot it would mean getting up at 3am to get here on time." said Iruka

"Wow that's far." said One civilan clan

So naruto worked with Kakashi on getting used to having just the one eye incase it didn't assimulate properly. Naruto had found another room that belonged to Sasuke. It was his cause of the fact they were God brothers. It was made incase it was needed and would only be found it the clan fell. There was one for Itachi too.

So Sasuke moved in with him. He wasn't happy but he was happy to learn ge had his sharingan active. They had moved the whole Uchiha library to the Namikaze house and placed everything on a seal on a floor in another library. And wverything was sorted and put into levels like Naruto's library. Naruto had laughed when he told Sasuke what it meant and that he was on level two and was half way through it.

Things were great in the Namikaze household. Sasuke's room was a beautiful fortress with Uchiha symbols.

Itachi's room hadn't been opened cause ge wasn't there and Naruto didn't want anyone to see it vefore he did. He knew it was there and was welcome to come home anytime.

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