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Jay sighed. "Wow- Jay.. I always thought, you know... you were into me." Nya said. "I know, and I just needed to cover my trails and stuff, pretend to hate Cole, and Love Nya but, I only see Nya as a friend, and Cole... Maybe- Maybe something more..." He paused, "But now... I want him back, even if I know he'll never EVER want me." "Then you should go, get our friend back. Kai said, "We'll take care of everything here." "Thanks guys" Jay said, and with that he left.


Cole walked through the town. His black hair blowing back from the slight cold wind in the town. He observed his surroundings. It wasn't a crowded town at all. There were barely any people around. It seemed to be a poor town. Not at all like Ninjago city.

"Hmmm.... might as well get a job." He said shuddering at the idea. "Hmmm, tea place? Noodle shop? I guess I'll try the noodle shop." He said to himself. 

Cole walked into the almost-run down noodle shop, "Here! Take it!" The man behind the counter screamed. "Wait what!?" Cole asked confused. "The- The money! Take it! Just don't hurt me!" "N-no! I'm not here for money, I just-" 

"No please! I got a wife and two beautiful children!" He yelled terrified. "No! I'm here for a job!" Cole stated. "O-oh...." The noodle-man said. "S-sorry..." "It's fine..." Cole said.

"Well, I mean can you cook?" He asked. Cole hissed beneath his teeth, "No..." He said. "Well, you can clean then?" "Yeah." Cole said. "Good you'll be janitor." The man said, "You can call me Joseph. And you are...?" "Just call me Cole..."  He said. 

"Al' right..." Joseph said. "Cole, You got somewhere to stay?" Cole shook his head. "No." He said, "No friends either" He sighed to himself. "You can stay with me and my family. We live across the street, come follow." 


Joseph lead Cole to a rucked old looking house. "Well this is it." Joseph said. Cole stared at it. It was dull and broken down. "Well, c'mon in." Joseph. "Lily! I'm home." He sang. "Hello Joe" A soft and sweet voice of a woman said back. 

She walked into the kitchen 'Joe' and Cole were standing in. The women hugged Joe. "Lily, this is Cole, Cole this is Lily my wife." "Nice to meet you Cole." Lily said. "N-nice to meet you too." Cole said back. "Is it okay if he lives with us? He hasn't a place to stay, and he'll help us at the shop."  Joseph said. "Okay." The fair skinned Lily said. "Here, you can have the guest room upstairs. Follow me. " Lily said.

Cole trudged up the creaky wooden stairs following Lily to the guest room. "Here it is. I know it isn't much, but-" "It's perfect." Cole said. "Your welcome Cole. Oh and dinner will be ready in ten minutes." Cole nodded walking in the room. He sat down on the kempt bed. He sighed to himself. "No, I'm tired of being blamed for everything." He clenched his fists, "Jay causes so much trouble, and what do I get? Blamed for him being an idiot." "I-I I" He pauses "I hate him so much! I hate him to the moon and back, I wish he just, just dies...." He was silent. He thought to himself, 'did I really just wish death upon someone?' But then his rantings gathered himself again. "Yes, I hope I never see or hear from that loser again, his very name angers me.

(OML The way I ended this XC Cole you meanie) 

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