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The guy in the blue hoodie squinted at Cole, "C-Cole..?" he repeated. Cole let the voice process in his mind, and then anger filled his heart again, "Jay!?" He yelled, "Why in hell's name did you follow me!? I told you to leave me alone!"

"I, I know Cole but-" Jay tried to say, "But nothing! I want you to stay away from me." Cole yelled. "Cole, Please!" Jay said. "No! I want to be alone, away from idiots like you. Go, go away, go away!" Cole yelled. Jay had suddenly teared up, "B-But Cole, I-I" 

"Jay! Go leave me alone! I hate you!" Cole yelled, a group of people turned their heads and watched. "I hope you just never breath again!" 

Jay, broke down right there, and then. Streams of tears ran down his face. He fell to his knees and covered his eyes. He sniffled, he was in a total shock, and true sadness...

Cole looked down at Jay. He rolled his eyes, and with a stone heart started walking away.

"Cole..." Jay whimpered

"What?" Cole responded annoyed.

"I-I just came to say, I'm sorry... and that If you don't wanna come back,  we're fine with that. We, I, respect your decision, and please, I am sorry, I'm sorry for... everything. I've made stupid decisions in the past because I was hiding in a shell, and I made the wrongs in the team. But, hear me out please. I'll do anything." he paused. "Cole, I-I Lov-" 

"Jay, you've got 10 seconds to get out of here or I will fight you myself." He said grimed. Jay slowly stood up, he still was crying, but he ran.


Jay ran far as he could. His eyes were red from the amount of tears that fell from his face. He was deep in the forest, far from both civilizations. He crouched up behind a tree. "Why does he hate me so much? I feel like I've been screwed over, I'm the one whose hurt... But why do I still have to care about him...?"  He laid on the grass and curled up. 


Hours passed, Cole was back at the shop, it was later. Cole was cleaning. Joseph came from the back room holding clean china and plates. "So, Cole..." he said. "Yeah?" Cole said. "Um I heard you had a small, freak-out...incident?... At the market place." Cole went silent. "Uh..." He mumbled.

"What happened?" Joseph asked.

Cole put the broom down, and sat down. Joseph followed, and sat down across from him. "Well, at my old home, I had friends. They treated me like I was some petty, angry, competitive little weakling." Cole said. 

"Go on." Joseph said.

Cole sighed, "Well, then there was Jay. Who I confronted today. He was the core of my problems. He, he, he-" He paused. 

"What?" Joseph asked intrigued. 

"I-I don't remember..." Cole sighed.

"You don't even know why your angry at him, yet you hate him...?" Joseph asked confused.

"He, he put me in situations where it'd be dangerous and- he fooled around to much." Cole said.

Joseph looked at his hands, they were on the table, then he sighed, "Anything else?" 

"He is always with that stupid bitch Nya." He said. "When I actually want to hang out with him, he's with her. Doing whatever with her." Cole pounded his fist into the table. 

Joseph sighed. "Cole, I know who you are, and I know your friends. Your one of the ninjas, and that guy, Jay he was the blue. You were the Black."

Cole raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean Jay, 'was' the blue ninja...?"

((Srry for the language. BUT DUN DUN DUNNN 'was' the blue ninja ooo) 

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