Hey guys!!!!! So I wanted to do this for a while but was very scared, still am to be fair, and very doubtful due to I'm not great at phrasing or writing! For example I would want to tweet I'd write out what I think is okay show to my sister and she would have to word it or change it a bit to make it sense, I don't mind because I have a comprehension problem anyway and that is part of it.
Anyway... My name is Lauren but when I'm signing out I will use Laur (that's my nickname which is very clever😂🙈). I am 16 turning 17 in November. I'm from Ireland 🇮🇪. P.s I'm so proud of the boys in green and how they did incredible in Euro 16 in France!! 🤘🏼, we did not win but they did better than we all expected.
Sorry I got side-tracked 🙈. That's one thing you should know about me is that I get side-tracked in a good way I hope.
So this is just an introduction and I don't want to give away to much but further on I will I promise!.
I really hope after reading this that you stick around!!
If your wondering this is going to be SO random!!(Disney fans see what I did there!! 😜) SoZ! 🙈 anyway, it's going to be me talking about life and struggles and what's going on in the world as well as celeb gossip or shiz like that!!
You can request a topic and I'll do my research and upload it here!!
Hope to be hearing from you guys and fingers crossed someone sees this 🖖🏼(close enough) 😹.Oh and I'm going to try and do a Chappie but only using emojis it could be a fail or a miracle! Wish me luck ✨
Love ye guys, Laur 😻
Sometimes it all gets a little too much
Randomhey!!!! so this will be a blog and really anything I feel like writing. I'm not great with words but I'm going to try. life is hard but I think if you don't let it get in your way, it will help. it helps to look up into the clouds and just see the b...