✨ Chris Beck- Coming home ✨

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The Martian

He was coming home.

After what felt like years of him being in space, he was finally coming home. Him and the crew had saved Mark Watney and you were waiting with the family members of the rest of the crew. You had met Vogel, Watney, Lewis, Martinez and Johanssen before they left for Mars but you can't remember what they look like or anything you knew about them.

Butterflies flew around your stomach when you saw the doors opening, splitting a massive NASA sign in half, and saw a man walk out. He walked over to a massive group of people and you heard people shouting 'Welcome Back!' and 'Hey Vogel!' You remember meeting him first and him being so kind and almost acting like a father figure to you.

The next person who walked out was a women who looked about your age. You seemed to recognise her as Beth Johanssen, one of the people of Ares 3 you're close too. She walked over to a smaller group of people but they still welcomed her back the same as Vogel's family did.

The third person was another woman. She had ginger hair and looked tired and stressed- out. Tired and Stressed-out? Lewis, you remembered meeting her and she was very closed about the whole situation but she was still kind and open to meet new people.

Then you saw him.

The person you had been waiting to see as soon as he left you outside in the car park of NASA after the two of you said goodbye. He had been gone too long for you liking and it was hard for the both of you. You saw him looking through the sea of people to find your familiar (E/C) eyes and when he did, the corners of his mouth curved upwards and he started walking towards you. When he got to you, he dropped his small amount of luggage and picked you up. He started spinning you around and you giggled at his silliness. After he put you down, you rested you forehead on his and looked into his piercing blue eyes which you love.

"Hey" he finally said while looking at your lips.

"Hey to you, too" you said back, leaning in closer to him. He did the same and you soon felt his illegally soft lips against yours. A few minutes later, you broke apart for air and continued to look into each other's eyes. You felt like it was only the two of you in the room at that moment until some one spoke up.

"Hey, save it for later, lovebirds" you both turned to see Mark Watney chuckling gat his previous comment towards the two of you.

"Hey, you'd be the same if you hadn't seen your girlfriend in years" Chris retorted.

"I guess so, but hey, use protection! I don't want any baby Doctor Becks running around, you hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, man!" Chris called back as you giggled at the two men. As Mark walked away, he turned back towards you.

"I missed you"

"I missed you, too. Now, about what Mark said. That might be a good idea"

"What? Have baby Doctor Becks?"

"Yes, that but not now. I mean..." He leaned towards your ear and whispered something.

"Ah, Chris!" You exclaimed while lightly hitting his chest.

"What?" He innocently smiled.

"Come on, let's go home" you grabbed his hand as he picked up his luggage. You two walked side by side as you exited NASA, hoping never to come back again for the same reason.

The whole car ride home was filled with conversation about things you had done while he was away, and things that happened in space.

"That bitch!" You slammed your hand on the wheel while still concentrating on the road.

"I know, she even met you before the mission and she knows you're my girlfriend"

"I can't believe her. She seemed nice as well"

"I stayed well away from her after though"

"It's fine, I believe that she came onto you and not the other way round" you smiled at him.

"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too, Chris. Welcome back"

Aww, Chris Beck fluff! I hoped you enjoyed!

-MrsEvanStan 💕

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