✨ TJ Hammond- Suicide? ✨

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Political Animals

There he was. Lying in a hospital bed, once again. You were holding his hand, his long, elegant fingers were wrapped in yours. He'd tried to kill himself again, this time by overdose. Carbon monoxide poisoning didn't do it that December he tried. The accident at the night club, the opening night, with him overdosing wasn't an attempt, it was an accident. But this time was.

He was at a low point. His boyfriend had left him; someone he really loved since Sean Reeves. Then he started with the alcohol, bad choice. He got drunk and found some drugs, and it all went down hill from there. You, being his best friend, tried to help him and told him not to do anything stupid, but he didn't listen. He kept snorting it until he overdosed. Luckily, you were there just in case anything happened, but you were upstairs and he was downstairs, and when you couldn't hear him and he didn't reply to you, you knew something was wrong. You walked down the stairs to see him passed out, an almost empty packet of coke laying on the table, lines of unattended coke was on the table and a clear straw was near his hand with a bit of coke settled next to it. After he didn't respond, you called an ambulance and went with him to the ER and here you were.

You'd called his mum and dad but they couldn't get to were you and TJ were. Elaine and Douglas were in DC, Bud was in New York and you and TJ were in LA, worst placements to be at this time. TJ hadn't woken up since the attempt, his breathing was steady and so was his heart rate but it would take a while to get the cocaine out of his system, so it was better if he just slept. As you were just beginning to fall asleep with your head resting on TJ's arm, your phone rung; it was Douglas.

"Hey, what's up Dougie?" You asked half asleep.

"How's TJ?"

"He's fine, just sleeping off the coke"

"Haa, thank god" he sighed deeply.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem stressed"

"Just with this whole campaign thing and my twin brother trying to kill himself again, it's quite stressful"

"How's that going, the campaign?"

"Good, it's okay. Look, I've got to go. Thank you so much for this, TJ deserves someone like you at times like this. You're a great person, (Y/N)"

"Thanks, Dougie. Good luck"

"Thanks, bye"

"Bye" you ended the call and placed your phone back on the table. You looked at TJ's sleeping figure; he looked so peaceful like that, without the nasal prongs, the drip, the life-support machine and the monitor, he was just TJ. After laying back down on his arm, you finally fell asleep still worrying about whether he was okay or not.

You woke up to someone calling your name and shaking you lightly. You groggily opening your eyes to see an awake TJ looking down confusingly at you.

"Where am I?"

"You're in hospital, T" you replied.

"What hap- oh, no," he sighed, realising what he'd done, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)"

"Why? Why'd you do it, TJ?"

"My life's a mess, I'd be better off dead"

"No, you wouldn't. If I didn't care about you, you'd be dead right now"

"Yeah, were I'm supposed to be"

"No, you're not. If no one really cared about you, then you would have died the first time you tried this, wouldn't you? And when you overdosed at your club, and this time. I love you too much to let you die, if you did tonight, I wouldn't be able to live with myself"

"You should've just done it, left me there"

"Why would I do that? I promised your mum I'd look after you if you were in a bad place. I couldn't stop you from overdosing, but I stopped you from dying"

"I'm I supposed to thank you?"

"That's your choice, not mine. Get some rest, it'll get the coke out your system. I'll have food when you wake up" you said as he closed his eyes and laid back into the pillows.

He'd be alright.

He'd be okay.

I hope you enjoyed my first TJ one. I've finished watching Political Animals so I've got a good concept of Sebastian's character and I hope to do more

-MrsEvanStan 💕

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