✨ Bucky Barnes- Dunkirk Spirit ✨

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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Dunkirk spirit.
noun /ˈdʌnkɜːk ˌspɪr.ɪt/ /ˈdʌnkɝːk ˌspɪr.ət/

(Britain, idiomatic) The spirit of the British public pulling together to overcome times of adversity.

Me: Basically, it means pulling together and never giving up.

It was one of those nights. Bucky was up almost every hour with another nightmare. Some weren't bad, and some were terrible. He mumbled 'Help', 'Don't hurt her' and 'I'll kill you if you do' and others that don't need to be mentioned. You stayed awake through the whole night, waiting patiently for another nightmare to attack him, ready for him to burst awake and cry for help.

It had been 2 hours since his last wake up and you were hoping he was fully asleep so you could as well; but that wasn't the case. Your eyes were slowly closing and opening, closing and opening. It took all the strength in you not to fall asleep because you knew Bucky might need you again. Somehow, you'd edged closer to him and your head was now resting on his bare chest, his steady heart beat lulling you to sleep. Your eyes had closed for the last time when you heard more mumbling.

'Not again, bless him'

He was mumbling the same things, there was no movement, just threats, cries, and pleads. You moved away slightly just to give him a bit of space, hoping he would realise the sudden weight difference and wake up. But he didn't.

"Bucky," you lightly shook him, "come on, wake up"

"Please...no, don't!" He screamed in reply.

"Buck, come on. It's me, (Y/N). Wake up for me"

"No, no, stop. Don't hurt her" there was tears slowly falling from his closed eyes. They slid down his stubbled cheek and onto his neck.

"Bucky, come on!" You finally shouted. He jolted awake, chest sweaty and breathing heavy. He looked around to see you perfectly fine and then looked down at the white sheets. You scooted over to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Hey, you're okay now. Just another nightmare" you smiled as he looked at you.

"I'm useless. I'm sorry I keep waking you, you don't deserve me" he looked away in shame, his voice getting quieter by the word.

"Hey, look at me," you placed your hand under his chin and lifted his head up, "Dunkirk Spirit."

"Dunkirk Spirit" he copied while whispering. He took a minute to process the word then smiled slightly as he realised what it meant.

"Dunkirk Spirit? Remember what it means?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "there was soldiers on a beach in Dunkirk and needed saving after a fight with the Nazis in 1940. The British navy sent boats to save the British and French soldiers and called it Dunkirk Spirit because-"

"-They didn't give up or lose hope" you finished for him. The corners of his mouth moved upwards as he looked at you. "And that's what you have to do; not give up or lose hope. In yourself and me" he buried his face in your neck as he gave you small kisses. You ran your fingers through his hair as he did so. The two of you stayed like that for awhile before he looked back up at you.

"Do you wanna sleep?" You nodded as he laid you down. He was on his back as you rested your head on his bare chest. His left hand was running through your hair, as his right one was laced with your left. Quite quickly, you feel into a peaceful sleep while Bucky continued to stroke your hair.

"Dunkirk Spirit," he smiled to himself, "Dunkirk Spirit"

This idea came to me in History, so erm, thanks Mr Chappel! 😂 that's all I do in lessons, think of ideas for my writing.

-MrsEvanStan 💕

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