Part 1

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“Does it work?” The question that broke the silence in the lab came from Charlie’s lips. Everyone had their eyes focused on the center of the room.

That was the most important, the most daring experience Dr. Lawrence had ever done. He had gathered only the best scientists to be part of his team. The Head of the Weston Institution of Science Engineering and Research had promised them a great reward if they were successful: they’d be all over the news, receiving prizes, giving interviews, their names forever printed on Science books of the future generations… And a lifelong contract with the W.I.S.E.R., which meant money, a lot of money.

The project was something no one had ever thought it would be possible to accomplish on a laboratory; something that only Dr. Eli Lawrence would accomplish. He was a genius, a man dedicated wholly to science and research. Some even said his wife had left him because she couldn’t bear being second place in his life, after his job. But whatever reasons were, Dr. Lawrence did not seem to miss his marital life too much. Especially when only 2 years after he signed the divorce papers, his most brilliant invention was finally complete.

Charlie, who was the youngest of the team at only 26 years of age, could not feel luckier; everyone dreamed to be part of one of Dr. Lawrence’s projects, yet he had picked her, counting on her programming and computer diagnostic skills. The big moment had arrived, and they were all waiting for a sign that the twenty four months of extensive work, sleepless nights, frustrations, researches, tests and even prayers (though said very discreetly only by the more spiritual ones) had not been in vain.

The figure that was the center of everyone’s attention was a 6 feet tall man. He had his eyes closed, and was standing still as if he was a convincing statue. At first glance, no one could say the man was actually a robot. It was perfectly designed in a human shape, even having synthetic hair and very convincing skin texture, thanks to the talented Dr. Heller.

Anxiously, Charlie bit her bottom lip, waiting for a response from the robot. It couldn’t be that all their work had resulted in nothing!

“Just wait…” Dr. Lawrence said. No one dared to do otherwise.

Three torturous minutes of waiting passed until it happened; the robot opened its eyes, and blinked twice very quickly. This simple movement was enough to generate laughter and celebration from the whole team. The project worked, and the robot was functional!

“There we go!” Dr. Lawrence beamed with pride. “Isn’t it wonderful, Dr. DeLanne?”

Charlie nodded, still with her mouth opened.

“It is amazing!” She managed to whisper. “I can’t believe we’ve made it.”

“There is nothing I can’t to, Dr. DeLanne,” Dr. Lawrence said, with a wink. “Now, the next phase of the project will be almost entirely on you, you know that. And KM-42C30 here will be all yours. Treat it carefully and send me daily reports, it’s all I ask.”

Charlie nodded once again. “Are we to call it KM-42C30?”

“Well, I haven’t thought of a name for it yet.” The scientist scratched his gray beard. “Why don’t you do the honors, Dr. DeLanne? After all, you’ll be the one dealing with him.”

She smiled. “Me? Can I name it?”

“Of course! What do you suggest?”

Charlie examined the robot’s strong features, the hazel eyes and dark hair. They had managed to simulate a perfect and attractive human. It made it harder for her to name it.

“Michael,” she finally said, thinking of her fiancée. “Let’s call him Michael.”

“Michael, Michael,” Dr. Lawrence repeated. “Very well. Welcome to the world, Michael.”

Charlie smiled, barely hiding her pride. They had created the first robot programed to perfectly simulate human feelings.

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