Part 7

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“Alright, then.” Charlie set the microphone and the camera and waited. “Let’s see what happens, Michael.”

The program Dr. Lawrence had asked was finished, and ready to be installed and tested. Charlie ordered Michael to be taken to the testing room instead of her own, since she still had to perform the installation. She’d easily do so on her computer as she observed the reactions caused on Michael through the dark glass wall.

Once he was taken to the center of the room, Charlie turned on the camera directed to Michael, and then the voice recorder. “This is Doctor Charlotte DeLanne, Computer and Electronic Engineer, Programming Specialist and Biochemist of the Weston Institution of Science Engineering and Research,” she said in a clear voice. “Today is February 19th of 2024, and it’s 10:14 in the morning. I will be installing in the project KM-42C30, also known as ‘Michael’, a new program to complete his set of emotions. If this program is successful, Michael will be able to simulate the human feeling of romantic love.”

Charlie sighed and watched as Dr. Gregory manipulated Michael.

“As for now, Dr. Walter Gregory has activated Michael’s involuntary movements, for the sake of reaction observation. His brain and voluntary movements will not be activated until the program is completed installed, so it will correspond of sleeping for Michael.”

Quickly typing on her computer, she could not help herself to think how romantic it was. Theoretically, Michael would become a romantic during ‘sleep’.

“Alright, first part of the program started downloading into Michael’s system,” Charlie announced out loud. “It will take approximately ten minutes. Meanwhile, I shall observe the visible reactions.”

Michael looked peacefully, sitting on the chair, his eyes closed; Charlie stared at him as if she expected something: a sudden smile, his eyes opening in surprise, anything. But nothing happened. It frustrated the scientist to notice Michael would not respond to the program being installed and she wondered if he couldn’t feel it. Then, she remembered Michael was a robot, not a human being.

“First part successfully downloaded,” Charlie announced with a sigh. “Second part initiating now. Estimative of duration: ten minutes.”

Once again, she stared at him, trying to convince herself it was purely for reaction noticing. But in her mind, she remembered Michael telling her how sad he was about the little Vietnamese girl and then, how happy he felt when he got to know she was alright. The thought made Charlie smile; there was something special about Michael. At the end of the ten minutes duration of the download, Michael, for her surprise, made a movement that appeared to be a deep sigh.

“Second part successfully installed,” she said excitedly. “Michael has physically responded to it. He simulated a sigh. Third and last part to be installed now. Estimated duration: fifteen minutes.”

That was it, Charlie thought. Michael was about to become the perfect simulator. He looked equally indifferent to all the process, but she could not take her eyes off him. When that process was over, Michael would be a very special robot. The scientist on Charlie was worried about it; after all, that program could lead to many bugs. But another part of her was excited, curious and, somehow hopeful. Charlie surprised herself when she found out she was sitting on the edge of the chair with a smile on her face. Michael repeated the sighing movement, and Charlie did the same.

“Third and last part successfully installed,” she announced at last. “Michael is ready. It is 10:46 now. Doctor Walter Gregory will proceed to activate Michael’s voluntary movements and system.”

The man entered the room where Michael was and did as Charlie said. Nervously tapping her fingers on the table, she watched as Michael came to life once again. He stood up, opened his eyes slowly and smiled.

“Hey, Michael,” Dr. Gregory greeted him with a wink. “How are you?”

“I am well, Dr. Gregory,” he responded. “Where is Charlotte? Is she not coming today? She is my friend, you know? She talks to me every day…”

“She will be here in a minute,” Dr. Gregory turned to the dark glass where he knew Charlie was sitting, listening to the conversation, though neither him nor Michael could see her. “Why don’t you sit down and wait for her?”

“I will,” Michael obeyed. “Charlotte is a good friend, you know? Not that you are not, Dr. Gregory, but Charlotte is a sweet woman. She likes puppies and babies, I think.”

“I am sure she does,” Dr. Gregory said. “See you, Michael.”

Charlie smiled from her side of the glass. “I never said I liked puppies and babies. How does he know?

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