Part 9

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“Are you serious about it, Charlie?”

“You know I’m engaged for almost six months, Caroline. I’m serious about it.”

Charlie had met her sister for lunch as she had promised; Caroline lived outside Sacramento, preferring the sunny San Francisco, so she and her sister would meet occasionally. They had both being raised by their uncle and aunt after their parents died, but they had pretty much followed their own lives after some point. Caroline was the opposite of Charlie; she enjoyed the exciting, sunny days near the beach working as a journalist for a well-known San Francisco magazine.

“I know, I know. You’ve always been the serious one, Charlie. But I’ve been wondering if it’s for real.”

“Well, Mike and I have been together for over four years now, so I’d say it’s reasonable to conclude it is serious.”

“How are things between you two?” Caroline asked, waving her blonde hair and looking at her sister patiently. Charlie knew that Caroline had an amazing convincing power, which made her an excellent journalist.

“Well, it could be better,” she gave in. “But I think it’s because we both have been utterly busy with work, therefore our lives have been neglected. But still, it’s fine!”

“It’s fine,” Caroline repeated. “How’s the deal with his partner?”

“Sarah is his work partner, Carol. They are required to spend time together for work. Like I work with Dr. Lawrence.”

“Oh, please, you and I both know it’s not like this! I’ve seen her, remember? She definitely wants him, babe, and trust me, he is not a blind man.” Carol sipped her wine. “And you should be aware of that.”

“I’m not saying I like her, but I know they are work partners, and I should trust Mike if we are to marry,” Charlie argued.

“Very well, very well,” Caroline gave up, knowing how her sister was protective over her relationship. “And how’s the hot Dr. Lawrence, then?”

Charlie frowned; Dr. Lawrence was far from being ‘hot’, at his sixties, with a fat belly and messy gray hair. “He’s divorced. Should I give him your number?”

She laughed; “No, I’m fine. But if Dr. Walter Gregory is still single, you should give him my number.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“I don’t know how you can do it, Charle. You work among extremely attractive and intelligent men. Haven’t you ever felt anything about them? Even a soft corner?”

“No, of course not!” Charlie drank a bit of her wine, shaking her head in denial. “That’s absurd! Me? No!”

But it was too late; Caroline had caught the lie.

“You so have! Now, that’s news! My well-behaved, rational big sister has been feeling something for someone else? Tell me!”

“No! I have not, Carol, really –”

“Oh, come on, I am your sister! I know you. Just tell me, I won’t post it on Facebook or on the SunnyF Magazine.”

“It’s nothing, really…” Charlie looked down, her face burning. “Maybe lately I’ve been… impressed by someone, but that is all.”


“Yes, impressed.”

“What is his name?”

Charlie couldn’t help but to smile; “Michael.”

“Another Michael? Well, that is indeed gold, sister!”

“It is nothing.” Charlie insisted. “Also, do you mind if we meet for dinner later? I remembered I need to do something in a while.”

“Alright,” Caroline smiled, shaking her head.

“Where are you staying?”

“Sacramento Hotel. Quite nice.”

“Nonsense. Here,” she took a key from her purse. “This is the spare key for my place. Stay with me.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother.”

“You’re my sister, you’re no bother. Make yourself at home, I’ll meet you later.”

Charlie had a sudden urge to see Mike; her talk with Caroline made her realize how much she missed him, and she thought she had been too hard on him the day before. With a refreshed hope, she drove to his place, hoping he’d be there. He’d mentioned he’d have to be back at work only at 1PM, and it was not yet 12. All the way to his apartment, Charlie thought of ways to tell Mike she wanted their relationship to work and that she loved him.

Excitedly, she walked into his apartment and looked around; he was home, it seemed, for the TV in the living room was still on, and there was food on the table. Charlie raised a brow; there were two glasses of wine there.

“Mike?” She called him, looking in the kitchen and the office; finally, she decided to look for him in his bedroom, feeling an odd sensation pressing against her chest.

“Mike? Are you there?” she called in a low voice, still thinking he could be asleep.

As she opened the door, Charlie found out Michael was indeed asleep, wrapped in his white blanket, looking peaceful; but he was not alone. By his side, Charlie saw the undeniable blonde cascade of hair that belonged to Agent Sarah Fletcher.

Michael 2.0Where stories live. Discover now