Meeting in the cafeteria

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I really didn't get much sleep. So.. here I am taking a nap in the classroom.

"Miss Carter, can you solve this problem for me? Miss Carter?"

"Ouch!" I say after realizing my math teacher (Mr Redhard) is standing in front of my desk with a book in his hand.

"Miss Carter, if you plan to sleep in class, why don't you take your bed with you next time?" He says with a sarcastic voice.

"Good idea!" I say with a smile. The class laughs.

"Let me tell you that if you do, it will not be such a pleasant nap." he says with a irritated look. "You know, you're one of the top students. Pay attention!" then he continues with the lesson.

I sigh to myself. If I didn't have to tutor Kyle I wouldn't have to take naps in the classroom.

I sigh again.

I feel that someone is staring at me. I turn around to find that Rosie is giving me a irritated look but as soon as we meet eye contact she turns away.

What's her problem? Oh well, I don't want anything more to think about.

After school I go to the cafeteria and buy a drink. I guess I just have to wait. Maybe if i'm lucky he's sick and doesn't come. But, there's noway, right? And even if he was we would just meet some other time. There's noway i'm gonna get out of this.

When I have waited for five minutes I see Rosie. It seems like she is looking for someone. She looks pretty angry too. Then suddenly she sees me and starts to walk with a determinded look in her walk towards me.

Without asking me if she can, she just sits down on the chair in front of me.

"Are you going out with Michael?" She throws the words at me wich makes me cough hysterically as I had just taking a sip from my drink.

"No! Not in a million years!" I say waving my hands hysterically. From angry she goes over to relaxed.

"Oh, that's good!" she says.

I stare at her for a moment.

"Why do you ask?" I ask with a suspicious look on my face.

She looks at me with a suprised expression and starts to get red in the face.

"No reason." she says quickly.

"Okay, then why do you suddenly look like a tomato?" When I say that she gets even more redder.

"Wha- I don't look like a tomato! It's just really hot here. Yeah, very hot! Got a problem with that, huh?" she says and begins to wave her hand to cool herself down.

I laugh. She smiles back a bit akwardly.

"Hey, it's okay. You like Michael, right? Nothing to be shy about."

"Maybe." she says short. It's not like I dislike him." she continues.

I just smile at her.

"Soo.. could you see if he's free this weekend? You know, it's not like a date or something. I just want to go somewhere with someone." she continues.

"Sure, I can see if he's free." I say happily without saying "Why don't we go then?"

She smiles big "Thank you." she says and then walks away.

For a moment I forget why i'm actually here. I take a sip from my drink.

"Hey, are you Jenny? My tutor?" I hear a voice that i'm not familiar with.

I look up to meet his blue eyes. His black hair is long enough to barely hide his eyes so that he have to stroke his hand through it so he can see. When i realize who it is, shocked I spurt out the sip I just drinked. His face gets covered in strawberry soda. When I realize what I just done I get terrified.

"Ahh! Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. You shocked me so um- here let me go get a towel." I rushed away to grab a towel. When I came back I reached for his face to wipe of the soda. He smiled gently towards me. That made me wanna spurt again, but luckily I didn't have any soda in my mouth.

"You know, I can wipe it off myself." he said now with a kinda teasing smile.

"Ahaha." I laughed nervously. Of course! Yeah, sorry!" I said giving him the towel.

"I'm sorry if I startled you." he then said.

"No, no need to apoligize. I should pay more attention." I said.

"So, we should plan when we can study." he then says while sitting down on the chair.

"Yeah, right? How about the weekends?"

"No, I'm sorry but I do stuff on weekends, unlike you." he says with the teasing smile.

Unlike you? What's that supposed to mean? Rude. I do stuff on the weekends. Like.. um, well yeah that's a another story.

"Um.. How about mondays and thursday?" he then asks.

"Yeah. Sure." I say, then see you on thursday"

"Yeah, Bye!" He says smiling at me.

The rumors may not be true. He doesn't seem dangerous at all. This might not be so bad after all. Ah, it seems I will be in this world longer after all. No goodbye this time. Hahaha.

"Now you're laughing by yourself again? It's really creepy. And not just that. Your laugh is kinda creepy too." a familiar voice says.

I turn around irritated.

"Michael!" I then say like he was my worst enemy.

"Don't greet me like that. Can't you be more like 'Ah, Michael! You look wonderful today.'"

"No, Michael, I can't do that. It's bad to lie." he laughs sarcastically at my reply.

"Oh right! Are you free this weekend?" I then ask as I remind myself of Rosie.

"Ah! Are you asking me out?" he says with sparks in his eyes.

"Hell no!" I answer. Rosie wants to do something with you." I then continued.

"Oh my! What is she gonna do to me?." he then says and put his finger on his lip trying to look innocent.

"Not what you're thinking.. I hope." I say a little bit creeped.

"Sure, I'll call her."

"Well I have to go so, bye!" I say while walking away.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!" he says and walks away too.

"Yeah, yeah whatever!"

Dangerous Boy? And I Have To Tutor HimWhere stories live. Discover now