How will we sort this?

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*30 minutes later*

Agnetha had just reached her mum and dads house. She had been crying the whole way there. Birgit ran out the front door as she saw her daughters car pull in the driveway. "Agnetha.....we were so worried....where have you been....why didn't you call us.....why are you still wearing the same clothes as you were yesterday?" Birgit was out of breath from running. She had so many questions. Agnetha didn't answer she just got out her car and collapsed into her mums arms crying. "Come inside love" Birgit said as she hugged her into the house.

"Mummy!" Linda screamed as she ran into her mums arms. "Hello my darling" Agnetha wiped her tears from her eyes. "Where have you been, I've missed you" Linda hugged her tighter. At this point Christian had walked behind Agnetha. She picked him up. "Come on let's go home" she grabbed the children's things. "I need to know where you have been" Birgit stopped her from opening the door. "I can't speak to you about it infront of the children" Agnetha couldn't look at her mum in the eyes. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" Birgit shouted. "Please mum I will tell you later, let me just go home, I don't want the children to hear us shouting" she said as she opened the door and walked down the steps outside. "You better phone me as soon as you get home to tell me what you have done" Birgit was furious. "I will mum" Agnetha said as she put the children in the car. She then drove home.

Meanwhile Björn had got back to his house with Lena. He sat in his car in the driveway for ages before he went in the house. He sat there thinking of ways to explain himself. He also thought of what Benny might of told Lena. Finally he got out his car and went through the front door. "Hello, Lena are you home?" Björn said nervously. There was no answer. He started to slowly make his way through the house. "I'm in here" Lena shouted from the bedroom. She didn't sound angry. Björn went through to the bedroom to find Lena had just woken up. "Good morning, another late night of writing at the studio" she laughed as she cuddled him. Björn was so confused. "Why wasn't she annoyed? Does she not know what I've done" he thought to himself. "Do you want some breakfast?" Lena said as she got up from the bed and walked though to the kitchen. "Can I ask you a question" he shouted through to Lena. "Emmm Benny hasn't called has he?...." Björn's voice was shaking. "No why? Do you want me to call him for you" she said as she started cooking. "NO!....I mean don't worry. I'll do it" Björn was so relieved.

Suddenly the phone ran. It was Benny. Björn ran to the phone and picked it up so quick. "Hello is Björn there?" Benny said expecting it to be Lena because she usually answered the phone. "Benny it's me" Björn said nervously. "I need you to meet me at the cafe down the road right now, we need to talk" Benny said in a firm voice. "Ok I'll see you there in 5 minutes". Björn hung up the phone shaking. "Everything alright honey" Lena could see Björn was nervous. "Yes everything's great, I'm just popping out for half an hour, Benny has to go over one last part of the new song with me" he lied as he grabbed his keys and coat. "See you soon, love you" Lena said from the kitchen. Björn didn't answer back. He closed the door, got in his car and drove to the cafe.

Björn stepped in the door of the cafe to see Benny sitting there. He slowly walked over to him. "Sit down Björn" Benny looked up to him. "Ok" he said nervously as he took his seat. There was an awkward silence between the two men. After a minute of sitting there not talking, Björn cleared his throat "Thank you Benny" he muttered quietly. "For what?" Benny answered him back. "For not telling Lena about Agnetha and I". Benny looked down at the floor and sighed. "Well something stopped me from telling her. I didn't see why she should get hurt. You and Agnetha really need to talk about what you did together. It is not my place to tell Lena what you did. And I shouldn't of spoken to Agnetha like I did but I was angry. I can see it from your point of view now. It all falls down to one question...." He paused while looking up at Björn. "Do you want to be with Lena or Agnetha......?"

Part seven coming soon :)

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