Our little secret

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*This is a very long part*

Twenty-five minutes into driving home. Agnetha started to feel an ache in her back. "Ouch" she said leaning forward. "What is wrong?" Björn asked. "I've got an ache in my back, it's quite painful" she groaned. "Well do you want me to drive" he looked over to her. "Yes please" Agnetha pulled the car over and they swapped seats.

"It's probably from sleeping on the floor last night" he laughed. "Well we didn't do much sleeping, did we?" she smirked back at him. Björn started the car up, he was used to driving an automatic car but Agnethas car was a shift one. He revved the engine and couldn't get the car moving. "You've got to use the gear stick silly" Agnetha giggled to herself. "Oh I forgot" Björn got all embarrassed. He didn't know how to use it so he stared at it for a few seconds. "Here, let me show you" Agnetha placed his hand over his on the gear stick. Her hand was so warm in his cold skin. "See this is first gear to start and then when you pick up speed you move to second gear and so on..." She said while moving their hands up together. "Oh I see and I press the clutch pedal with my foot?" Björn said looking down at his feet. "Exactly you have got it!" She replied.

Agnetha had reclined her seat to lie back, it helped her back feel a little better. A few miles down the road she leaned up and switched on the radio. ('Don't let the sun go down on me' was playing, it was the song they danced to last night). "I think it would be better to switch this off" she put her hand back over the 'off' button. "Leave it please. It reminds me of a good time" Björn said while still keeping one eye on the road ahead. "I suppose it was a pretty good night in the end" Agnetha smiled and placed her hand on his thigh like she always did when they were married. "I miss you doing this" Björn said while looking round to his beautiful ex wife. "I miss us" she said looking back at him.

Suddenly Björn turned up a side road. "Where are we going?" Agnetha was confused. "You'll see" Björn was going a back road to their favourite destination. It was a romantic spot where you could see the whole of Stockholm City from a higher level. After 10 minutes of driving they arrived. "Wow I forgot about this place" Agnetha looked over at Björn. "How could you forget? We used to come here all the time" he looked back at her. "Why did you drive up here now?" Agnetha asked. "I just wanted to spend a little more time together" he placed his hand on her leg. It didn't feel awkward between the two of them, it felt very natural. In return she leaned over her seat and cuddled into his chest.

"How is your back feeling?" he started to stroke it. "It is still a little sore" she cuddled into him more. "Does this help?" He said as he continued to stroke her. She didn't say anything instead she leaned up and kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you" Agnetha smiled. "What for my darling?" he kissed her head. "Thank you for still caring about me" she squeezed him tightly. "I'll always care for you" Björn said as he lifted Agnethas head up and kissed her on her lips. All the memories from the previous night came rushing back to them. They kissed for a long time before Agnetha pulled away. "Why did you stop" Björn looked into her eyes. "I miss you so much that's all" she looked back into Björn's eyes. "Aw my darling. I miss you too" He pulled her back into him.

*Warning dirty part*
Agnetha started to move her hand up his leg and at the same time Björn put his hand under her top and stroked her back while he undid her bra. She continued to kiss his neck while rubbing her hand in top of his trousers. He then got on top of her on her seat but still being careful of her sore back. "I'm not hurting you my darling am I?" He said as he lifted her top off. "As long as you are gentle and not like last night I should be fine" she smirked back at him. "I'll go easy on you" Björn winked as he slowly put his hand under her trousers in between her legs. "My god this feels even better sober" Agnetha leaned her head back as Björn started to rub her faster. "Stop teasing me I want you right now" she said breathlessly. Björn lifted Agnetha out the car and they both got into back seat. He took off all his and all of hers and inserted her slowly with his big member. "Is this ok baby" he said leaning into Agnetha. "Harder!" she wrapped her legs around him. She had forgot all about her sore back. Björn thrusted into her deeper. A few moments later they both came together. "You are amazing" Björn said as he sat back up. "Not as amazing as you" she pulled him back on top of him for a deep kiss.

They lay there cuddling each other for a while. "This doesn't feel wrong does it Björn?" Agnetha said. "It feels so right" Björn kissed her cheek. "We better head back home, it's nearly 3 o'clock" Agnetha said as she reached for her underwear. "Ok let's get dressed" Björn replied. They both got dressed and Agnetha got back in the drivers seat. "Are you sure you are alright to drive" Björn said leaning over to her. "I'm all better now thanks to you" she gave him a quick kiss on his lips and they drove back to Agnethas house.

They both got out he car and went through the front door. "Hello sis, we are all out here" Mona shouted from the back garden. Björn and Agnetha went through the house to the garden where the children were playing in the snow. "Mama" Christian said as he ran up to Agnetha. "Daddy!" Linda screamed. They both picked the children up. "Sorry but I have to go" Mona said hugging Agnetha. "It's nice to see you again Björn" she also hugged him. "Thank you so much for looking after the children for me" Agnetha said walking Mona to her car. "It was no problem" Mona got in her car and drove home.

Agnetha went back inside to see Björn helping the children to take off their snow suits to come inside. "Can you come home to our house now daddy?" Linda said to Björn. "No daddy is only here for a short while then he needs to go back home" Agnetha interrupted as she kissed Linda on her cheek. "I'm going to be spending the day here though so we can have lots of fun" Björn said as he hugged Linda. They spent the whole day together as a family. It is now evening time and they had just finished dinner. "Right it is 8'oclock now children. It's time for daddy to go home. You have school tomorrow Linda. It's bedtime" Agnetha said as she cleaned the dishes from the table. "Please can you stay a little longer daddy?" tears filled Linda's eyes. "As mummy said Linda, you have school tomorrow so you need an early night. But you can come to daddy's house at the weekend if you'd like" he said as he got up from the table. "Yes please" Linda smiled.

Björn and Agnetha got the children ready for bed together and came back down stairs. "Sorry I can't drive you home, but the children are so tired" Agnetha said hugging Björn. "It is ok, I'm fine getting a taxi back to the cafe to get my car and drive home from there" he went to the phone and phoned the taxi company. "They say it is going to be a ten minute wait" he came back over to Agnetha. "Thank you for today" Agnetha said as she pulled him closer to her. "No thank you" he moved his hand down to her bum. Her breath was so hot on his neck. "Stop Björn you'll get me started again" Agnetha giggled. "Well is that such a bad thing?" he smirked back at her. The stood kissing by the front door until the taxi drew up outside. "I guess I have to go now" Björn looked so sad. "You know Benny has agreed not to tell anyone about last night. So I don't see why we can't carry on as we are. Just as long as we are don't do anything too obvious in front of anyone" Agnetha said as she moved her hands down his chest. "I like that idea" Björn said as he squeezed her tighter. They cuddled for a few moments and Björn grabbed his coat. "Good night my darling" he kissed her passionately on her lips one last time. "Goodbye honey, I can't wait to see you again tomorrow" she winked at Björn as she opened the door. "I can't wait either" he smirked back at her as he walked down the front steps.

Who was to know that their little secret carried on for a long time after that night.....

Thank you everyone that read my first fan fiction. I hope you liked it xxxx

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