Chapter 13

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Annabeth's pov:

We all stood there shocked at what just happened.

"First off how did a monster get into camp so easily and second off what the hell was with the flashing? I thought only gods could do that." A camper said. I looked over to Chad who nodded his head understanding the look on my face.

"Ok everyone! Back to your scheduled activities. Story time is over!" He said as he started sending the campers off to do other things. I quickly headed towards the big house, looking for Chiron, only to see Mr. D walking out the front door.

"Uhh... Mr. D what are you doing here?" I said as he closed the door. His smile turned into a frown as he turned toward me. It was like I just rained on his parade.

"Ah...anniebell. I came here to inform Chiron of some news from Olympus." Mr. D said as he started to walk away.

"Was it about Kronos rising again?" I asked. Mr. D stopped dead in his tracks.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"So you didn't know Kronos is rising again?" I stated. He turned around and faced me with his full attention.

"How would you know Kronos is rising?" He asked.

"Kampe just flashed into camp a few minutes ago yelling that Kronos rises again, before disappearing in another flash." I stated.

"Flashed?" He asked.

"Yes. Flashed." I said. Mr. D looked down at the grass for a few minutes digesting the information.

"If what you say... Father." Mr. D mumbled.

"Say what?" I asked.

"If what you say is true I have to go report to lord Zeus. Now if you'll excuse me." He said loud enough for me to hear. His form started to glow and I knew he was flashing out.

"Wait! What did you te-" I started to say before he flashed out.

'Damn!' I thought. I walked up the steps to the big house and knocked on the door.

"Chiron I need to talk with you please." I said. There was the sound of hooves clopping against the floor, before the door opened.

"Annabeth, what is it my child?" Chiron asked.

"Kampe just flashed into camp, and said Kronos is back, before flashing away." I said. Chiron looked surprised. He stepped to the side and ushered me in.

"Tell me everything she said."


Dameion pov:(some of you must be shouting "FINALLY!")

I tore down hallways and corridors as I kept on running through the labyrinth. I could hear the sound of nails scrapping against the stone floor as my pursuers chased after me. I took an immediate left in to a joining hallway and continued to run.

'Maze close the hallway.' I said.

'Ok.' Maze responded. The hallway shuddered as it closed off behind me buying me at least two minutes. I could hear screams and whines as my hunters found their direct route blocked.

'You haven't caught me in the last 463 runs and you won't this time.' I thought as I continued to run. I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and I picked up the speed. I was twenty yards away from the opening when I got flanked from the left and right.

'Where you goin handsome?' A female wolf said from my left.

'Come on puddin lets you and me have some fun.' A female said from my right.

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