c h a p t e r 2

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"Iris?" A soft voice woke me from my slumber. I groaned softly before rolling over and burying my head in the pillow, "I know your schedule's all messed up, you're usually going to sleep when we're waking up. You should take a day off to sleep in, and maybe check out the city when you wake up. We'll start you at the bakery tomorrow, okay?"

Lacking the strength to do as little as respond, I simply nodded my head without opening my eyes. Aunt Cara planted a kiss on my forehead then tiptoed out of my bedroom.

- - -

Eventually, I opened my eyes, a long yawn escaping my lips. I could hear the busy street that lay just beyond my room.

My suitcases were lined against the wall of my barren bedroom, their tops propped up to reveal my neatly folded clothes. I began to tear through the luggage, destroying my mother's careful packing.

I hadn't brought much on the plane with me, all my other clothes would be arriving with my furniture. So, there wasn't much to choose from. After a few minutes of decision making, I set my mind on a jean skirt with buttons starting at the top and reaching the very end, paired with a long sleeved gray crop top.

After applying my makeup, I brushed through my dark hair quickly, leaving it in its natural wavy state. Taking a quick look in the mirror, I prepared myself to go out by pulling a warm wool sweater over my outfit. Both my parents were full Korean, having grown up in Korea and moved to California to start a new life together after their marriage. I inherited their dark brownish black hair, but dodged the brown eye gene and got hazel eyes similar to my younger brother's.

The stairs creaked as I made my way into the kitchen. "Look who's finally awake!" Uncle Junsu teased, looking up from the dough he had been kneading, "Are you going to explore a bit?"

I nodded my head unsurely, "If that's okay with you," I hopped from the last step, landing with a light thud, "Aunt Cara said I could, but I can stay and help if you need it-"

"Who do you think gave Aunt Cara the idea?" My uncle smiled, wrinkles forming around his eyes, "Go on, go take a look around!"

"Thank god you said that," I let out a breath of relief, "I really want to check out Gangnam."

He chuckled, motioning for me to go with his free hand as he continued to work at the bread dough.

"Have fun, Amaya!" Aunt Cara called to me from the cash register as I pushed the bakeries glass doors aside. The shop was buzzing with activity. I felt a little bad leaving knowing that they could use my help, but I don't think they'd let me stay knowing I'd rather be out in the city. "Call if you need anything!" She shrilled, her voice being carried off with the breeze as I stepped outside. I merely nodded my head to her and waved, before skipping off in a randomly chosen direction without hesitation.

From the glance over my shoulder I was finally able to read the bakery's sign which read, Heung's Pastries. I shrugged off the thought of the bakery and all the work I'd be exposed to tomorrow as the distance grew between me and my new home.

My legs carried me to several different shops, some clothing shops and others torrist-y gift stores. I decided to purchase some little items to send home to my family and a couple pieces of clothing, since I had no idea when the rest of my closet would arrive.

Bags in tow, I glanced down at my phone, which I had recently changed to South Korean timing. By doing this I discovered it was quite a bit past noon. I considered stopping in a small cafe I was approaching. The growl from my stomach made the final decision and I tugged the door open.

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