c h a p t e r 4

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"I'm fine, mom, really." I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. Somehow, my parents still managed to irritate me when we were countries apart.

"Be safe, babo amugeosdohaji anhseubnida!" She nagged, though I knew she was only worried.

Growing up with Korean speaking parents, I could understand bits of sentences and certain phrases they said often. "I'm not going to do anything stupid!" I defended, "Goodbye, mom!"

"Goodbye, I love you. Sleep well!" She babbled quickly, knowing I was on the verge of hanging up.

"Love you," I urged, before pressing end.

This was my first phone call with my mom since I had first gotten off my plane and now it was several days after my arrival. She had been worried sick because of my lack of communication.

She was getting ready for work when I called, while I was preparing myself for bed. I thought I would be exhausted from working at the bakery all day, yet I was totally wide eyed.

I padded over to the window and pulled it open. The cool air blew on my face as I leaned towards the opening. The mornings and afternoons were warm this time of year in South Korea, but the nights remained pretty chilly.

My phone read 10:30 pm, though it felt like I was supposed to be waking up. I sighed dramatically, subconsciously rubbing the bump from where mine and Vernon's heads hit. I had indeed iced it, like Jeonghan had advised, but our collision still left a mark.

Moving as quietly as possibly, I tiptoed down the dim corridor. Aunt Cara and Uncle Junsu's door was closed, but some light peeked out from the cracks. I wasn't sure if they were asleep, but either way it was best for me to stay silent.

The kitchen light was on its dimmest setting, the atmosphere calm and quiet. I picked through a bowl of loose sweets before settling on a container of pocky and peeling it open.

Against my better judgement, I slipped on my shoes. Many people had advised me not go out alone at night and my mother had just lectured me on being safe, yet I sauntered into the ground level of the bakery and exited the premises.

I just need some fresh air to clear my head.

My eyes scanned across the street. Many stores were still open, but my surroundings were pretty empty. Besides an old women on a bench and a couple walking hand in hand on the opposite side of the road, the place was deserted.

I took a loud bite out of my snack, then let my feet carry me across the street. I peeked into a rather large convenience store, but seeming as though I had no money with me, entering seemed pointless.

So, my attention turned to the mysterious PLEDIS building. It loomed over me, casting a greet shadow. The sky hugged the tower like a navy blue blanket.

At first glance, the bottom floor was abandoned. However, as I ventured closer to the glass doors there was a light coming from a room in the corner.

Only the edge of the room was visible from my current position, a mirrored wall. The room was lifeless, until a figure appeared in the mirror's reflection. Music could be heard faintly from outside the building.

I recognized the boy immediately.

He was still for only moment before breaking out into a beautifully choreographed dance. His body moved gracefully, yet somehow the moves screamed sex appeal. This is a side of Vernon I had not yet seen.

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