Term 2

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So life has changed a lot got new friends a new class teacher and moving on with my life.....Oh just kidding I still have the same teacher same friends and life hasn't changed that much!!:)THANKFULLLY!!! I am totally frustrated about exams that are coming up and writing this is the only thing that could calm me down writing to the world. My life is good and I have a new friend called Leah who's birthday was a few days a go she took us to Sahara Centre and we played in the play area then we ate McDonalds and then we went for Starbucks and finally came home the next day I went to my old school's Fiesta it happens once a year so I met my old friends and they said I was becoming tall and beautiful that's a pretty good sign that I will be successful in the future. YAY!!!!!IN MY GOAL OF BECOMING TALL AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!Then the next day I studied or you can say (STU-DIED)

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