Prologue-Like Somethingorother

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     Ever since the dawn of time, man has been searching for the most powerful weapon imaginable. Searching for something that can win all wars. First there was fire, and then the sword, followed by the bow and arrow, and then eventually the all-mighty machine gun, but that wasn't the end. The atom bomb was the weapon that ended that search. The ultimate destructive tool. It led to nothing but death and fire. The war to end all wars was imminent. The end was not a war of men, not a war of rifles, but it was the war of the atomic bomb, as quoted by Robert Oppenheimer upon the final successful test of the atomic bomb: "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds". Fire and radiation rained from the sky, and in one quick flash the entire world was transformed into a wasteland.


Crap... There we go! Now where was I? Oh yeah...

War never changes.

Please don't sue me for copyright infringement.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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