Chapter ~ 1

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Chapter ~ 1 - Moving to Gravity Falls


-3rd person pov-

"Hurry up! We don't have all day!" your mom hollered from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" you shout back, grabbing your stuff and going down the stairs, but after the third step your foot slipped.

You slid down the stairs and landed on your back at the bottom, "ow..." you moaned in pain.

Standing to your feet you grabbed your suitcases and headed out the door.

~•time skip•~

The drive to Gravity Falls was long and boring, your mom was currently driving to a gas station, the light signaling that the gas was low flashed, annoying both you and your mother.

After ariving at a nearby gas station and filling up the car with gas you and your mom went into the store to pay for the gas and get a couple snacks for the drive.

"Can I get this too? I could pay for it, it's only a few bucks?" you begged, pointing at a necklace with a rather large yellow triangle shaped gem on it.

"No, sorry (y/n), maybe some other time."

You groaned and stood next to your mom by the counter, "that would be a total of five dollars and seven cents." the cashier woman said in a monotone voice.

Your mom pulled out her wallet an took out her debit card. 'Paying with a piece of plastic, that's stupid' you thought, heading out the store door and to the car with your mom.

~•time skip•~ (again)


'Finally, Gravity Falls!' I thought, stepping out of the car.

I walked up to the new house and turned the nob, it opened with a loud creek. I stepped inside and looked around, quickly finding the kitchen, "Slow down, you still need to grab your things!" Mom hollered.

I went outside to the car and grabbed my suitcase, I pulled it through the door and went upstairs, that's the only place I haven't been.

Looking around I spotted a room that was closed, the only closed door in the house.

Walking towards it, I turned the nob and looked inside. There was a window in the middle of the wall with a triangle shape with an eye on it.

I examined the window, there was also a bit of writing on it, but it looked as if it were in a different language.

"(Y/n)?" My mom called.

I went down the stairs, missing a step once again and sliding down the steep steps.

"There you are, have you found the room you want yet?"

"Yep! I'll show you!"

I ran back up the stairs with mom trailing behind me. I went into the room and sat on the windowsill.

"This is the room you really want?"

"Yes! Doesn't it look awesome!?" I asked excitedly.

"OK, but I've seen way better window art then that, are you sure this is the room you want?"


Mom looked at me and shrugged, "alright, what ever."

She left the room and went downstairs, her footsteps echoing down the hallway.

(Well that's chapter one, I hope you guys like it, I'm still learning how to write XD, I'll post the next chapter soon!


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