*the storm*

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As soon as I got home from the concert I checked my phone. Ashton had texted me and said
•Do you want to meet up at Starbucks on Cedar road?
•Of course! Be there in ten minutes!
I replied.
Is this actually happening? Am I about to have coffee at midnight with Ashton Irwin? I got back into my car and drove off to Starbucks. To my surprise all four of them were already at a table hugging fans. They politely told the fans to leave so they could have some privacy.
I sat down in between Luke and Mikey wandering why in the world they wanted to see me.
"So what's up?" I asked
"We wanted to talk to you about something." Calum said looking at me and smiling
"If this is too fast paced you can tell is to slow down but we all really like you and we all love being around you. Would you like to go on the rest of the tour with is?" Ashton said.
"Um... I would love to. I live alone in a small apartment so I'd love to get out for once." I said. I still thought they were joking.
"You have to sleep on the couch if that's okay. Someone can sleep in there with you if you get lonely. And you kinda have to deal with the fact that we like being naked a lot." Mikey said.
"Yeah, I'm fine with that. Will you guys come over and help me pack?" I said. This was actually happening. I was actually going on tour with 5sos. 
I drove home, with them following me. When we got there I escorted the boys to my room and told them what to pack. After we got two suitcases full of black jeans and band shirts into the car we were off on there managers car to the bus. Once we got there we all were exhausted an decided to unpack my stuff tomorrow.
That night while the bus was traveling and the boys were asleep there was a minor thunder storm. I hate thunder storms, they scare me. I didn't want to annoy the guys on my first night with them but i couldn't sleep and I was scared. So I went into their bunks and saw that Luke and Mikey were still up watching Attack On Titan.
I told them about my fear and how I couldn't sleep and Mikey suggested that Like come sleep with me on the couch since he couldn't sleep either. He agree to that plan and he went back with me to the couch. He grabbed a blanket and a pillow and laid down near me on the large couch. 
I tried sleeping then all of the sudden Luke's low, melodic voice quietly said "I really like you. You're really cool and I'm happy you're on your with us."
I could feel myself blushing in the pitch dark.
"I really like you too......why were you staring at me when we first met earlier?" I asked remembering the stated everyone was giving me.
"You're so pretty. I saw you ,Andy and my heart dropped." The way he said my name made me melt.
"What about Arzaylea?" I asked
"Oh that bitch? I'm payed to say I'm dating her. But in reality I hate her. She's a terrible person in real life." That didn't surprise me one bit.
"So I can have you all to myself?" As soon as I said that o regretted it. I just met the guy, I can't fall in love........yet.
Instead of an answer I felt two lips press against mine. For a split second I thought it was a dream, then I realized this is reality. Our lips moves in sync. I thought this moment lasted forever. He pulled away and sat back for a second.
"Damn. I've wanted to do that since the moment I laid eyes on you." He whispered. I could feel his breath on me neck from the position I was laying in. Then we both curled up, our heads on each others shoulders, and fell asleep.

***i know this is moving very fast. I'm not very good at writing in all the extra detail and stuff so if you have any suggestions please comment! And sorry for all the typos!***

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